Jamie Coble
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Cited by
Multilayer data-driven cyber-attack detection system for industrial control systems based on network, system, and process data
F Zhang, HADE Kodituwakku, JW Hines, J Coble
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (7), 4362-4369, 2019
Merging data sources to predict remaining useful life–an automated method to identify prognostic parameters
JB Coble
Identifying optimal prognostic parameters from data: a genetic algorithms approach
J Coble, JW Hines
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 1 (1), 2009
A review of prognostics and health management applications in nuclear power plants
J Coble, P Ramuhalli, LJ Bond, J Hines, B Upadhyaya
International Journal of prognostics and health management 6, 016, 2015
Comparative evaluation of preprocessing freeware on chromatography/mass spectrometry data for signature discovery
JB Coble, CG Fraga
Journal of chromatography A 1358, 155-164, 2014
Applying the general path model to estimation of remaining useful life
J Coble, JW Hines
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management Volume 2 (color), 71, 2011
Prognostic algorithm categorization with PHM challenge application
JB Coble, JW Hines
2008 International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, 1-11, 2008
Prognostics and health management in nuclear power plants: a review of technologies and applications
JB Coble, P Ramuhalli, LJ Bond, W Hines, B Upadhyaya
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2012
Validation of on-line monitoring techniques to nuclear plant data
J Garvey, D Garvey, R Seibert, JW Hines
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 39 (2), 133, 2007
Diagnostics and prognostics of engineering systems: methods and techniques: methods and techniques
S Kadry
IGI Global, 2012
Technical Review of On-Line Monitoring Techniques for Performance Assessment. Volume 1. State-of-the-Art
JW Hines, R Seibert
A review of sensor calibration monitoring for calibration interval extension in nuclear power plants
JB Coble, RM Meyer, P Ramuhalli, LJ Bond, H Hashemian, B Shumaker, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2012
Investigating the effect of metal powder recycling in Electron beam Powder Bed Fusion using process log data
S Chandrasekar, JB Coble, S Yoder, P Nandwana, RR Dehoff, VC Paquit, ...
Additive Manufacturing 32, 100994, 2020
Robust localized cyber-attack detection for key equipment in nuclear power plants
F Zhang, JB Coble
Progress in Nuclear Energy 128, 103446, 2020
Towards a theory of autonomous reconstitution of compromised cyber-systems
P Ramuhalli, M Halappanavar, J Coble, M Dixit
2013 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security …, 2013
Using artificial intelligence to detect human errors in nuclear power plants: A case in operation and maintenance
E Gursel, B Reddy, A Khojandi, M Madadi, JB Coble, V Agarwal, V Yadav, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 55 (2), 603-622, 2023
Application of artificial intelligence in detection and mitigation of human factor errors in nuclear power plants: a review
M Sethu, B Kotla, D Russell, M Madadi, NA Titu, JB Coble, RL Boring, ...
Nuclear Technology 209 (3), 276-294, 2023
Maintenance-based prognostics of nuclear plant equipment for long-term operation
Z Welz, J Coble, B Upadhyaya, W Hines
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 49 (5), 914-919, 2017
A robust cybersecurity solution platform architecture for digital instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power facilities
F Zhang, JW Hines, JB Coble
Nuclear Technology 206 (7), 939-950, 2020
Empirical methods for process and equipment prognostics
JW Hines, J Garvey, J Preston, A Usynin
Tutorial presented at the IEEE Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2007
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Articles 1–20