Jonathan Lopez
Cited by
Cited by
A review and evaluation of the effects of hydrodynamic variables on freshwater mussel communities
JW Lopez, CC Vaughn
Freshwater Biology 66 (9), 1665-1679, 2021
Animal aggregations promote emergent aquatic plant production at the aquatic–terrestrial interface
JW Lopez, TB Parr, DC Allen, CC Vaughn
Ecology 101 (10), e03126, 2020
Gains and gaps in knowledge surrounding freshwater mollusk ecosystem services
CL Atkinson, GW Hopper, DA Kreeger, JW Lopez, AN Maine, BJ Sansom, ...
Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 26 (1), 20-31, 2023
Long‐term monitoring shows that drought sensitivity and riparian land use change coincide with freshwater mussel declines
JW Lopez, TP DuBose, AJ Franzen, CL Atkinson, CC Vaughn
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 32 (10), 1571-1583, 2022
White‐tailed deer consumption of emergent macrophytes mediates aquatic‐to‐terrestrial nutrient flows
JW Lopez, DC Allen, CC Vaughn
Ecology and Evolution 12 (9), e9257, 2022
Subsidy intermediaries: The role of aquatic plants in storing and transferring resources from aquatic biogeochemical hotspots to terrestrial ecosystems
J Lopez
Ecosystem bioelement variability is associated with freshwater animal aggregations at the aquatic-terrestrial interface
JW Lopez, RN Hartnett, TB Parr, CC Vaughn
Oecologia 202 (4), 795-806, 2023
Herbivore damage and riparian shade constrain biomass distribution in american water willow (Justicia americana)
JW Lopez, CC Vaughn
Aquatic Botany, 103617, 2023
Secondary production and biomass in mussel assemblages relate to species richness and stream size but not life history
JW Lopez, CL Atkinson, AK Burrow, GW Hopper, WR Haag
Ecosphere 15 (7), e4934, 2024
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Articles 1–9