Dr Carolina Kuepper-Tetzel
Dr Carolina Kuepper-Tetzel
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) University of Glasgow
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The lag effect in secondary school classrooms: Enhancing students’ memory for vocabulary
CE Küpper-Tetzel, E Erdfelder, O Dickhäuser
Instructional Science 42, 373-388, 2014
Contracting, equal, and expanding learning schedules: The optimal distribution of learning sessions depends on retention interval
CE Küpper-Tetzel, IV Kapler, M Wiseheart
Memory & cognition 42, 729-741, 2014
Threshold models of recognition and the recognition heuristic
E Erdfelder, CE Küpper-Tetzel, SD Mattern
Judgment and Decision Making 6 (1), 7-22, 2011
22 Enhancing the Quality of Student Learning Using Distributed Practice
M Wiseheart, CE Küpper-Tetzel, T Weston, ASN Kim, IV Kapler, ...
Understanding the distributed practice effect
CE Küpper-Tetzel
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2015
Encoding, maintenance, and retrieval processes in the lag effect: A multinomial processing tree analysis
CE Küpper-Tetzel, E Erdfelder
Memory 20 (1), 37-47, 2012
Transfer: a review for biology and the life sciences
AN Kaminske, CE Kuepper-Tetzel, CL Nebel, MA Sumeracki, SP Ryan
CBE—Life Sciences Education 19 (3), es9, 2020
Lecture capture: Practical recommendations for students and instructors.
E Nordmann, CE Küepper-Tetzel, L Robson, S Phillipson, GI Lipan, ...
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 8 (3), 174, 2022
Strong effects on weak theoretical grounds: Understanding the distributed practice effect
CE Küpper-Tetzel
Z. f. Psychol 222, 71-81, 2014
Effects of temporary mark withholding on academic performance
CE Kuepper-Tetzel, PL Gardner
Psychology Learning & Teaching 20 (3), 405-419, 2021
Using day and night–Scheduling retrieval practice and sleep
M Kroneisen, CE Kuepper-Tetzel
Psychology Learning & Teaching 20 (1), 40-57, 2021
Ace that test: A student’s guide to learning better
M Sumeracki, C Nebel, C Kuepper-Tetzel, AN Kaminske
Routledge, 2023
Embedding data skills in research methods education: preparing students for reproducible research
P McAleer, N Stack, H Woods, LM DeBruine, H Paterson, E Nordmann, ...
PsyArXiv, 2022
Turning roadblocks into speed bumps: a call for implementation reform in science communication about retrieval practice
MA Sumeracki, CL Nebel, AN Kaminske, CE Kuepper-Tetzel
Educational Psychology Review 36 (1), 22, 2024
Watch party lectures: synchronous delivery of asynchronous material
C Kuepper-Tetzel, E Nordmann
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 2021
The Learning Scientists: Promoting communication about the science of learning
MA Sumeracki, AN Kaminske, CE Kuepper-Tetzel, CL Nebel
In their own words: What scholars want you to know about why and how to …, 2023
Scholarship of teaching and learning in psychology
J Goldman, J Cavazos, BC Heddy, KJ Pugh
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2021
Banning lecture capture would not free students from loneliness
E Nordmann, C Kuepper-Tetzel, L Robson, J MacKay, K Banas
Times Higher Education, 2024
Preparing for the new teaching term
E Nordmann, C Kuepper-Tetzel
PSYCHOLOGIST 34, 10-11, 2021
Predicting Burnout: A Global Cross-sectional Study into How Perfectionism, Resilience and Culture Combine to Predict Burnout in Working Adults
HS Melville, C Kuepper-Tetzel
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