Frank Leymann
Frank Leymann
Professor of Computer Science, University of Stuttgart, Germany, Member Academia Europaea
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Cited by
Business process execution language for web services
T Andrews, F Curbera, H Dholakia, Y Goland, J Klein, F Leymann, K Liu, ...
Version, 2003
Specification: Business Process Execution Language for Web Services
T Andrews, F Curbera, H Dholakia, Y Goland, J Klein, F Leymann, K Liu, ...
version 1 (5), 2003
Service-oriented computing: State of the art and research challenges
FL Michael P Papazoglou, Paolo Traverso, Schahram Dustdar
Computer 40 (11), 38-45, 2007
Service-oriented computing: State of the art and research challenges
FL Michael P Papazoglou, Paolo Traverso, Schahram Dustdar
Computer 40 (11), 2007
Production workflow: concepts and techniques
F Leymann, D Roller
Prentice Hall PTR, 2000
Restful web services vs. big'web services: making the right architectural decision
C Pautasso, O Zimmermann, F Leymann
Proceeding of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, 805-814, 2008
Web services platform architecture: SOAP, WSDL, WS-policy, WS-addressing, WS-BPEL, WS-reliable messaging and more
S Weerawarana, F Curbera, F Leymann, T Storey, DF Ferguson
Prentice Hall PTR, 2005
Mining process models from workflow logs
R Agrawal, D Gunopulos, F Leymann
Advances in Database Technology—EDBT'98, 467-483, 1998
Mining process models from workflow logs
R Agrawal, D Gunopulos, F Leymann
Research Report RJ 10100, 91916, 1997
Service-oriented computing: a research roadmap
MP Papazoglou, P Traverso, S Dustdar, F Leymann
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 17 (02), 2008
Web services flow language (WSFL 1.0)
F Leymann
May 2 (001), 2001
Blockchains for business process management-challenges and opportunities
J Mendling, I Weber, WVD Aalst, JV Brocke, C Cabanillas, F Daniel, ...
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 9 (1), 1-16, 2018
Web Services Row Language (WSFL 1.0)
DF Leymann
IBM Software Group, 0
Web Services and Business Process Management
M Schmid, F Leymann, D Roller
IBM Systems Journal 41 (2), 198-211, 2002
Cloud computing patterns
C Fehling, F Leymann, R Retter, W Schupeck, P Arbitter
Springer, 2014
Semantic Business Process Management: A Vision Towards Using Semantic Web Services for Business Process Management
M Hepp, F Leymann, C Bussler, J Domingue, A Wahler, D Fensel
IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Beijing, China …, 2005
Managing business processes as an information resource
F Leymann, W Altenhuber
IBM systems journal 33 (2), 326-348, 1994
Business process execution language for web service (BPEL4WS) 1.0
F Curbera, Y Goland, J Klein, F Leymann, D Roller, S Thatte, ...
Published on the World Wide Web by BEA Corp., IBM Corp. and Microsoft Corp, 2002
BPEL4Chor: Extending BPEL for modeling choreographies
G Decker, O Kopp, F Leymann, M Weske
Ieee international conference on web services (icws 2007), 296-303, 2007
Faster and more focused control-flow analysis for business process models through sese decomposition
J Vanhatalo, H Völzer, F Leymann
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSOC 2007, 43-55, 2007
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Articles 1–20