Petra Moog
Petra Moog
Professor Entrepreneurship and Family Business , Universität Siegen
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Democracy and entrepreneurship
DB Audretsch, P Moog
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 1042258720943307, 2020
Who chooses to become an entrepreneur
U Backes-Gellner, P Moog
The Jacks-of-All-Trades in Social and Human Capital‟, University of Zurich …, 2008
Left in the dark: Family successors’ requirement profiles in the family business succession process
S Schlepphorst, P Moog
Journal of family business strategy 5 (4), 358-371, 2014
The impact of skills, working time allocation and peer effects on the entrepreneurial intentions of scientists
P Moog, A Werner, S Houweling, U Backes-Gellner
The Journal of Technology Transfer 40 (3), 493-511, 2015
The disposition to become an entrepreneur and the jacks-of-all-trades in social and human capital
U Backes-Gellner, P Moog
The Journal of Socio-Economics 47, 55-72, 2013
What shapes the intention to study abroad? An experimental approach
K Petzold, P Moog
Higher Education 75 (1), 35-54, 2018
Crisis and turnaround management in SMEs: a qualitative-empirical investigation of 30 companies
S Kraus, P Moog, S Schlepphorst, M Raich
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 5 (4), 406-430, 2013
humankapital des gründers und Erfolg der unternehmensgründung
P Moog
German Journal of Human Resource Management 19 (4), 426-428, 2005
The power of shared positivity: organizational psychological capital and firm performance during exogenous crises
AC Grözinger, S Wolff, PJ Ruf, P Moog
Small Business Economics, 1-28, 2021
Successor selection in family business—A signaling game
S Schell, JK de Groote, P Moog, A Hack
Journal of family business strategy 11 (3), 100286, 2020
International assignments of employees and entrepreneurial intentions: the mediating role of human capital, social capital and career prospects
S Schlepphorst, EC Koetter, A Werner, C Soost, P Moog
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2020
It’s all about who you know: The role of social networks in intra-family succession in small and medium-sized firms
S Schell, M Hiepler, P Moog
Journal of Family Business Strategy 9 (4), 311-325, 2018
Selection and support strategies in venture capital financing: high-tech or low-tech, hands-off or hands-on?
C Jungwirth, P Moog
Venture Capital 6 (2-3), 105-123, 2004
Der Generationswechsel im Mittelstand im demografischen Wandel
K Müller, R Kay, B Felden, P Moog, S Lehmann, O Suprinovic, S Meyer, ...
Duderstadt: Mecke Druck und Verlag, 2011
Owner orientations and strategies and their impact on family business
P Moog, D Mirabella, S Schlepphorst
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 13 (1 …, 2011
Neue Tendenzen in der Mittelstandsfinanzierung
L Kokalj, G Paffenholz, P Moog
Springer-Verlag, 2003
Social capital and the willingness to become self-employed: Is there a difference between women and men?
P Moog, U Backes-Gellner
International Studies of Management & Organization 39 (2), 33-64, 2009
Back to the roots: Applying the concept of individual human values to understand family firm behavior
PJ Ruf, M Graffius, S Wolff, P Moog, B Felden
Family Business Review 34 (1), 48-70, 2021
Deutsche Hochschulen als Gründungsinkubatoren
K Isfan, P Moog
Springer-Verlag, 2003
Unternehmensnachfolgen in Deutschland: Aktuelle Trends
P Moog, R Kay, N Schlömer-Laufen, S Schlepphorst
IfM-Materialien, 2012
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