Zhongkai Liu
Zhongkai Liu
Associate Professor, ShanghaiTech University
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Experimental realization of a three-dimensional topological insulator, Bi2Te3
YL Chen, JG Analytis, JH Chu, ZK Liu, SK Mo, XL Qi, HJ Zhang, DH Lu, ...
science 325 (5937), 178-181, 2009
Discovery of a three-dimensional topological Dirac semimetal, Na3Bi
ZK Liu, B Zhou, Y Zhang, ZJ Wang, HM Weng, D Prabhakaran, SK Mo, ...
Science 343 (6173), 864-867, 2014
A stable three-dimensional topological Dirac semimetal Cd3As2
ZK Liu, J Jiang, B Zhou, ZJ Wang, Y Zhang, HM Weng, D Prabhakaran, ...
Nature materials 13 (7), 677-681, 2014
Direct observation of the transition from indirect to direct bandgap in atomically thin epitaxial MoSe2
Y Zhang, TR Chang, B Zhou, YT Cui, H Yan, Z Liu, F Schmitt, J Lee, ...
Nature nanotechnology 9 (2), 111-115, 2014
Massive Dirac fermion on the surface of a magnetically doped topological insulator
YL Chen, JH Chu, JG Analytis, ZK Liu, K Igarashi, HH Kuo, XL Qi, SK Mo, ...
Science 329 (5992), 659-662, 2010
Extremely large magnetoresistance and ultrahigh mobility in the topological Weyl semimetal candidate NbP
C Shekhar, AK Nayak, Y Sun, M Schmidt, M Nicklas, I Leermakers, ...
Nature Physics 11 (8), 645-649, 2015
Weyl semimetal phase in the non-centrosymmetric compound TaAs
LX Yang, ZK Liu, Y Sun, H Peng, HF Yang, T Zhang, B Zhou, Y Zhang, ...
Nature physics 11 (9), 728-732, 2015
Interfacial mode coupling as the origin of the enhancement of Tc in FeSe films on SrTiO3
JJ Lee, FT Schmitt, RG Moore, S Johnston, YT Cui, W Li, M Yi, ZK Liu, ...
Nature 515 (7526), 245-248, 2014
Magnetic Weyl semimetal phase in a Kagomé crystal
DF Liu, AJ Liang, EK Liu, QN Xu, YW Li, C Chen, D Pei, WJ Shi, SK Mo, ...
Science 365 (6459), 1282-1285, 2019
Signature of type-II Weyl semimetal phase in MoTe2
J Jiang, ZK Liu, Y Sun, HF Yang, CR Rajamathi, YP Qi, LX Yang, C Chen, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 13973, 2017
Ambipolar field effect in the ternary topological insulator (BixSb1–x)2Te3 by composition tuning
D Kong, Y Chen, JJ Cha, Q Zhang, JG Analytis, K Lai, Z Liu, SS Hong, ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (11), 705-709, 2011
Topological Electronic Structure and Its Temperature Evolution in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator
YJ Chen, LX Xu, JH Li, YW Li, HY Wang, CF Zhang, H Li, Y Wu, AJ Liang, ...
Physical Review X 9 (4), 041040, 2019
Evolution of the Fermi surface of Weyl semimetals in the transition metal pnictide family
ZK Liu, LX Yang, Y Sun, T Zhang, H Peng, HF Yang, C Chen, Y Zhang, ...
Nature materials 15 (1), 27-31, 2016
Single Dirac Cone Topological Surface State and Unusual Thermoelectric<? format?> Property of Compounds from a New Topological Insulator Family
YL Chen, ZK Liu, JG Analytis, JH Chu, HJ Zhang, BH Yan, SK Mo, ...
Physical review letters 105 (26), 266401, 2010
Observation of Temperature-Induced Crossover to an Orbital-Selective<? format?> Mott Phase in A x Fe 2-y Se 2 (A<? format?>=<? format?> K, Rb) Superconductors
M Yi, DH Lu, R Yu, SC Riggs, JH Chu, B Lv, ZK Liu, M Lu, YT Cui, ...
Physical review letters 110 (6), 067003, 2013
Electronic structures and unusually robust bandgap in an ultrahigh-mobility layered oxide semiconductor, Bi2O2Se
C Chen, M Wang, J Wu, H Fu, H Yang, Z Tian, T Tu, H Peng, Y Sun, X Xu, ...
Science Advances 4 (9), eaat8355, 2018
Observation of universal strong orbital-dependent correlation effects in iron chalcogenides
M Yi, ZK Liu, Y Zhang, R Yu, JX Zhu, JJ Lee, RG Moore, FT Schmitt, W Li, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7777, 2015
Dirac line nodes and effect of spin-orbit coupling in the nonsymmorphic critical semimetals
C Chen, X Xu, J Jiang, SC Wu, YP Qi, LX Yang, MX Wang, Y Sun, ...
Physical Review B 95 (12), 125126, 2017
Observation of unusual topological surface states in half-Heusler compounds LnPtBi (Ln= Lu, Y)
ZK Liu, LX Yang, SC Wu, C Shekhar, J Jiang, HF Yang, Y Zhang, SK Mo, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12924, 2016
Evolution of the valley position in bulk transition-metal chalcogenides and their monolayer limit
H Yuan, Z Liu, G Xu, B Zhou, S Wu, D Dumcenco, K Yan, Y Zhang, SK Mo, ...
Nano letters 16 (8), 4738-4745, 2016
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