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Solving bilevel programs with the KKT-approach GB Allende, G Still Mathematical programming 138, 309-332, 2013 | 180 | 2013 |
Discretization in semi-infinite programming: the rate of convergence G Still Mathematical programming 91, 53-69, 2001 | 146 | 2001 |
Algorithmic principles of mathematical programming U Faigle, W Kern, G Still Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 135 | 2013 |
Generalized semi-infinite programming: a tutorial FG Vázquez, JJ Rückmann, O Stein, G Still Journal of computational and applied mathematics 217 (2), 394-419, 2008 | 125 | 2008 |
Solving semi-infinite optimization problems with interior point techniques O Stein, G Still SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 42 (3), 769-788, 2003 | 121 | 2003 |
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On generalized semi-infinite optimization and bilevel optimization O Stein, G Still European Journal of Operational Research 142 (3), 444-462, 2002 | 111 | 2002 |
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Interior points of the completely positive cone. M Dür, GJ Still Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 17, 48-53, 2008 | 66 | 2008 |
A new relaxation method for the generalized minimum spanning tree problem PC Pop, W Kern, G Still European Journal of Operational Research 170 (3), 900-908, 2006 | 53 | 2006 |
Semi-infinite programming models in robotics R Hettich, GJ Still Parametric Optimization and Related Topics II,(Guddat/Jongen/Kummer/Nozicka …, 1991 | 47 | 1991 |
Optimality conditions in smooth nonlinear programming G Still, M Streng Journal of optimization theory and applications 90, 483-515, 1996 | 36 | 1996 |
An elementary proof of the Fritz-John and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions in nonlinear programming Şİ Birbil, JBG Frenk, GJ Still European journal of operational research 180 (1), 479-484, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
Genericity results in linear conic programming—a tour d’horizon M Dür, B Jargalsaikhan, G Still Mathematics of operations research 42 (1), 77-94, 2017 | 33 | 2017 |
Equilibrium constrained optimization problems Şİ Birbil, G Bouza, JBG Frenk, G Still European journal of operational research 169 (3), 1108-1127, 2006 | 31 | 2006 |