Mauricio Uriona Maldonado
Mauricio Uriona Maldonado
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Federal University of Santa Catarina. Brazil
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Solving the job-shop scheduling problem in the industry 4.0 era
ME Leusin, EM Frazzon, M Uriona Maldonado, M Kück, M Freitag
Technologies 6 (4), 107, 2018
The influence of e-carsharing schemes on electric vehicle adoption and carbon emissions: An emerging economy study
TF Luna, M Uriona-Maldonado, ME Silva, CR Vaz
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 79, 102226, 2020
Inovação e conhecimento organizacional: um mapeamento bibliométrico das publicações científicas até 2009
Organizações em Contexto 7 (13), 31-58, 2011
Long term diffusion dynamics of alternative fuel vehicles in Brazil
LMM Benvenutti, AB Ribeiro, M Uriona
Journal of Cleaner Production 164, 1571-1585, 2017
Innovation System Policy Analysis through System Dynamics Modelling: A Systematic Review
M Uriona, S Grobbelaar
Science and Public Policy, 2018
Similarities and differences between business process management and lean management
MU Maldonado, ME Leusin, TC de Albuquerque Bernardes, CR Vaz
Business Process Management Journal 26 (7), 1807-1831, 2020
Process improvement for professionalizing non-profit organizations: BPM approach
CR Haddad, DHF Ayala, M Uriona Maldonado, FA Forcellini, ...
Business Process Management Journal 22 (3), 634-658, 2016
Diffusion of photovoltaic technology in Germany: A sustainable success or an illusion driven by guaranteed feed-in tariffs?
L Baur, M Uriona
Energy 150, 289-298, 2018
Potential of a multi-agent system approach for production control in smart factories
ME Leusin, M Kück, EM Frazzon, MU Maldonado, M Freitag
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (11), 1459-1464, 2018
Some reasons to implement reverse logistics incompanies
CR Vaz, B Grabot, M Uriona Maldonado, PM Selig
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 16 (5-6 …, 2013
State of the art on the Systems of Innovation research: a bibliometrics study up to 2009
M Uriona-Maldonado, RNM dos Santos, G Varvakis
Scientometrics 91 (3), 977-996, 2012
Managing innovation in small high-technology firms: a case study in Brazil
M Uriona Maldonado, N Dias, G Varvakis
Journal of technology management & innovation 4 (2), 130-142, 2009
A functions approach to improve sectoral technology roadmaps
CR Haddad, MU Maldonado
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 115, 251-260, 2017
A systems modeling approach to estimate biogas potential from biomass sources in Brazil
CP Borges, JC Sobczak, TR Silberg, M Uriona-Maldonado, CR Vaz
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 138, 110518, 2021
Big data and business analytics in the supply chain: a review of the literature
NKG Isasi, EM Frazzon, M Uriona
IEEE Latin America Transactions 13 (10), 3382-3391, 2015
Catching up en servicios intensivos en conocimiento: el caso de la producción de software y servicios informáticos de Argentina y Brasil
M Uriona Maldonado, H Morero, C Borrastero
Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Desarrollo y Educación Superior, 2013
The impact of CO2 mitigation policies on light vehicle fleet in Brazil
LM Benvenutti, M Uriona-Maldonado, LMS Campos
Energy policy 126, 370-379, 2019
Product-service systems in solar PV deployment programs: What can we learn from the California Solar Initiative?
JR Schmidt-Costa, M Uriona-Maldonado, O Possamai
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 140, 145-157, 2019
Gestão da terceirização no setor brasileiro de distribuição de energia elétrica
LLC Souza, MU Maldonado, GJV Rados
Revista de Administração de Empresas 51, 188-201, 2011
The effectiveness of tax incentive policies in the diffusion of electric and hybrid cars in Brazil
LMM Benvenutti, AB Ribeiro, FA Forcellini, MU Maldonado
41o Congresso Latinoamericano de Dinamica de Sistemas, November, 1-11, 2016
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