Simon Urbanek
Simon Urbanek
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rgl: 3D visualization using OpenGL
D Adler, D Murdoch, O Nenadic, S Urbanek, M Chen, A Gebhardt, ...
R package version 0.96. 0, 2016
A tale of one city: Using cellular network data for urban planning
RA Becker, R Caceres, K Hanson, JM Loh, S Urbanek, A Varshavsky, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 10 (4), 18-26, 2011
Human mobility characterization from cellular network data
R Becker, R Cáceres, K Hanson, S Isaacman, JM Loh, M Martonosi, ...
Communications of the ACM 56 (1), 74-82, 2013
rJava: Low-level R to Java interface
S Urbanek
R package version 0.9–6, 2013
Interactive graphics for data analysis: principles and examples
M Theus, S Urbanek
CRC Press, 2008
A fast way to provide R functionality to applications
S Urbanek
Proceedings of DSC 2, 2003
Cairo: R graphics device using cairo graphics library for creating high-quality bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), vector (PDF, SVG, PostScript) and display (X11 and Win32) output
S Urbanek, J Horner
R package version, 1.5-9, 2015
R: A language and environment for statistical computing
S Urbanek, HJ Bibiko, ML Stefano
The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2014
png: Read and write PNG images
S Urbanek
R package version 0.1-7 978, 2013
Route classification using cellular handoff patterns
RA Becker, R Caceres, K Hanson, JM Loh, S Urbanek, A Varshavsky, ...
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing …, 2011
jpeg: Read and write JPEG images
S Urbanek
R package version 0.1-8, 2014
multicore: Parallel processing of R code on machines with multiple cores or CPUs
S Urbanek
R package (v: 0.1-7), URL https://cran. r-project. org/package= multicore, 2011
rgl: 3D visualization using OpenGL
D Murdoch, D Adler, O Nenadic, S Urbanek, M Chen, A Gebhardt, ...
R package version 0.108 3, 443, 2021
Method and apparatus for managing advertising
S Balakrishnan, DL Applegate, S Chopra, S Urbanek
US Patent 8,782,683, 2014
BayesFactor: Computation of Bayes factors for common designs (R package version 0.9. 12-4.2)[Computer software]
RD Morey, JN Rouder, T Jamil, S Urbanek, K Forner, A Ly
Retrieved form https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= BayesFactor, 2018
Can you find me now? Evaluation of network-based localization in a 4G LTE network
R Margolies, R Becker, S Byers, S Deb, R Jana, S Urbanek, C Volinsky
IEEE INFOCOM 2017-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-9, 2017
Unsupervised clustering of multidimensional distributions using earth mover distance
D Applegate, T Dasu, S Krishnan, S Urbanek
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2011
venneuler: Venn and Euler diagrams
L Wilkinson, S Urbanek
R package version 1 (1), 2011
Rserve: binary R server
S Urbanek
R package version, 1.7-3, 2013
The R project for statistical computing
D Bates, J Chambers, P Dalgaard, R Gentleman, K Hornik, S Iacus, ...
URL: http://www. rproject. org, 2013
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