Sarah Johann
Sarah Johann
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Mechanism-specific and whole-organism ecotoxicity of mono-rhamnolipids
S Johann, TB Seiler, T Tiso, K Bluhm, LM Blank, H Hollert
Science of the Total Environment 548, 155-163, 2016
The EU Horizon 2020 project GRACE: integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects
KS Jørgensen, A Kreutzer, KK Lehtonen, H Kankaanpää, J Rytkönen, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 31 (1), 1-10, 2019
Differences in biomarker and behavioral responses to native and chemically dispersed crude and refined fossil oils in zebrafish early life stages
S Johann, L Nüßer, M Goßen, H Hollert, TB Seiler
Science of the Total Environment 709, 136174, 2020
Better integration of chemical pollution research will further our understanding of biodiversity loss
F Sylvester, FG Weichert, VL Lozano, KJ Groh, M Bálint, L Baumann, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 7 (10), 1552-1555, 2023
Multilevel responses of adult zebrafish to crude and chemically dispersed oil exposure
A Esteban-Sánchez, S Johann, D Bilbao, A Prieto, H Hollert, TB Seiler, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 33, 1-19, 2021
Comparative toxicity assessment of in situ burn residues to initial and dispersed heavy fuel oil using zebrafish embryos as test organisms
S Johann, M Goßen, L Mueller, V Selja, K Gustavson, J Fritt-Rasmussen, ...
Environmental science and pollution research 28, 16198-16213, 2021
Combining different in vitro bioassays to evaluate genotoxicity of water-accommodated fractions from petroleum products
S Johann, M Goßen, PA Behnisch, H Hollert, TB Seiler
Toxics 8 (2), 45, 2020
Impact of chemical pollution on threatened marine mammals: A systematic review
I Schaap, L Buedenbender, S Johann, H Hollert, G Dogruer
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 132203, 2023
Receptor-mediated estrogenicity of native and chemically dispersed crude oil determined using adapted microscale reporter gene assays
S Johann, M Esser, L Nüßer, D Altin, H Hollert, TB Seiler
Environment international 134, 105320, 2020
A plea for the integration of Green Toxicology in sustainable bioeconomy strategies–Biosurfactants and microgel-based pesticide release systems as examples
S Johann, FG Weichert, L Schröer, L Stratemann, C Kämpfer, TB Seiler, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 426, 127800, 2022
Progress, applications, and challenges in high-throughput effect-directed analysis for toxicity driver identification—is it time for HT-EDA?
I Alvarez-Mora, K Arturi, F Béen, S Buchinger, AER El Mais, C Gallampois, ...
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 1-22, 2024
Acute and mechanism-specific toxicity of oils and oil spill response actions-Adaption of relevant bioanalytical tools and evaluation of ecotoxicological effects
S Johann
Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2020, 2020
Biotechnological metabolization system has the potential to improve the predictive ability of the fish embryo acute toxicity (FET) test with the zebrafish (Danio rerio)
IS Reichstein, AH Becker, S Johann, T Braunbeck, S Schiwy, H Hollert, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 36 (1), 91, 2024
Toward harnessing biodiversity–ecosystem function relationships in fungi
K Runnel, L Tedersoo, FS Krah, M Piepenbring, JF Scheepens, H Hollert, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2024
Dioxin-like and estrogenic activity screening in fractionated sediments from a German catchment after the 2021 extreme flood
S Johann, M Düster, P Bellanova, J Schwarzbauer, A Weber, S Wolf, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 36 (1), 163, 2024
Dataset on target chemical and bioassay analysis—Exploring contaminants of emerging concern in a low mountain river of central Germany
FG Weichert, W Brack, M Brauns, P Fink, S Johann, M Krauss, H Hollert
Data in Brief 54, 110510, 2024
Underlying molecular effects to behavioral consequences present line of evidence for zebrafish eye development and function alteration by crude oil exposure.
LK Mueller, S Johann, B Denecke, AT Abdallah, M Hecker, H Hollert, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.01. 23.576882, 2024
Genotoxicity and mutagenicity assessment of sediment samples from the Stolberg area in Western Germany following the extreme flood event in 2021
C Lohmann, K Schulz, J Bayer, S Johann, J Pfefferle, H Hollert, E Dopp, ...
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