Xaver Fuchs
Xaver Fuchs
Senior Scientist, Cognitive Psychology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
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Challenging the assumptions for thermal sensation scales
M Schweiker, X Fuchs, S Becker, M Shukuya, M Dovjak, M Hawighorst, ...
Building Research & Information 45 (5), 572-589, 2017
The rubber hand universe: On the impact of methodological differences in the rubber hand illusion
M Riemer, J Trojan, M Beauchamp, X Fuchs
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 104, 268-280, 2019
Psychological factors associated with phantom limb pain: a review of recent findings
X Fuchs, H Flor, R Bekrater-Bodmann
Pain Research and Management 2018 (1), 5080123, 2018
The importance of synchrony and temporal order of visual and tactile input for illusory limb ownership experiences–an fMRI study applying virtual reality
R Bekrater-Bodmann, J Foell, M Diers, S Kamping, M Rance, P Kirsch, ...
PloS one 9 (1), e87013, 2014
An augmented reality home-training system based on the mirror training and imagery approach
J Trojan, M Diers, X Fuchs, F Bach, R Bekrater-Bodmann, J Foell, ...
Behavior research methods 46, 634-640, 2014
Illusion-related brain activations: a new virtual reality mirror box system for use during functional magnetic resonance imaging
M Diers, S Kamping, P Kirsch, M Rance, R Bekrater-Bodmann, J Foell, ...
Brain research 1594, 173-182, 2015
Perceptual drifts of real and artificial limbs in the rubber hand illusion
X Fuchs, M Riemer, M Diers, H Flor, J Trojan
Scientific reports 6 (1), 24362, 2016
Post-amputation pain is associated with the recall of an impaired body representation in dreams—results from a nation-wide survey on limb amputees
R Bekrater-Bodmann, M Schredl, M Diers, I Reinhard, J Foell, J Trojan, ...
PloS one 10 (3), e0119552, 2015
A seasonal approach to alliesthesia. Is there a conflict with thermal adaptation?
M Schweiker, K Schakib-Ekbatan, X Fuchs, S Becker
Energy and Buildings 212, 109745, 2020
Relationship of prosthesis ownership and phantom limb pain: results of a survey in 2383 limb amputees
R Bekrater-Bodmann, I Reinhard, M Diers, X Fuchs, H Flor
Pain 162 (2), 630-640, 2021
Do mirror glasses have the same effect on brain activity as a mirror box? Evidence from a functional magnetic resonance imaging study with healthy subjects
C Milde, M Rance, P Kirsch, J Trojan, X Fuchs, J Foell, ...
PLoS One 10 (5), e0127694, 2015
The rubber hand illusion depends on a congruent mapping between real and artificial fingers
M Riemer, X Fuchs, F Bublatzky, D Kleinböhl, R Hölzl, J Trojan
Acta psychologica 152, 34-41, 2014
Assessment of cortical reorganization and preserved function in phantom limb pain: a methodological perspective
J Andoh, C Milde, M Diers, R Bekrater-Bodmann, J Trojan, X Fuchs, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 11504, 2020
Phantom limb pain
H Flor, X Fuchs
The Curated Reference Collection in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral …, 2016
The rubber hand illusion induced by visual-thermal stimulation
J Trojan, X Fuchs, SL Speth, M Diers
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12417, 2018
What does “moderate pain” mean? Subgroups holding different conceptions of rating scales evaluate experimental pain differently
S Becker, X Fuchs, K Schakib‐Ekbatan, M Schweiker
European Journal of Pain 24 (3), 625-638, 2020
Introducing a social beads task
S Westermann, S Salzmann, X Fuchs, TM Lincoln
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 3 (4), 594-611, 2012
The prevalence and characteristics of phantom limb pain and Non-Painful phantom phenomena in a nationwide survey of 3,374 unilateral limb amputees
M Diers, B Krumm, X Fuchs, R Bekrater-Bodmann, C Milde, J Trojan, ...
The journal of pain 23 (3), 411-423, 2022
Subgroups holding different conceptions of scales rate room temperatures differently
X Fuchs, S Becker, K Schakib-Ekbatan, M Schweiker
Building and Environment 128, 236-247, 2018
Peripheral origin of phantom limb pain: Is it all resolved?
J Foell, J Andoh, R Bekrater-Bodmann, M Diers, X Fuchs, L Colloca, ...
Pain 155 (10), 2205-2206, 2014
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