Philippe Vaast
Philippe Vaast
Eco-physiologist, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) & CIRAD
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Fruit thinning and shade improve bean characteristics and beverage quality of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) under optimal conditions
P Vaast, B Bertrand, JJ Perriot, B Guyot, M Génard
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86 (2), 197-204, 2006
Trade-offs between crop intensification and ecosystem services: the role of agroforestry in cocoa cultivation
P Vaast, E Somarriba
Agroforestry systems 88, 947-956, 2014
Comparison of bean biochemical composition and beverage quality of Arabica hybrids involving Sudanese-Ethiopian origins with traditional varieties at various elevations in …
B Bertrand, P Vaast, E Alpizar, H Etienne, F Davrieux, P Charmetant
Tree physiology 26 (9), 1239-1248, 2006
Effects of Inga densiflora on the microclimate of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) and overall biomass under optimal growing conditions in Costa Rica
P Siles, JM Harmand, P Vaast
Agroforestry systems 78, 269-286, 2010
Carbon allocation in fruit trees: from theory to modelling
M Génard, J Dauzat, N Franck, F Lescourret, N Moitrier, P Vaast, ...
Trees-Structure and Function 22 (3), 269-282, 2008
Interactive effects among ecosystem services and management practices on crop production: pollination in coffee agroforestry systems
V Boreux, CG Kushalappa, P Vaast, J Ghazoul
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (21), 8387-8392, 2013
Biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes: challenges and opportunities of coffee agroforests in the Western Ghats, India
CA Garcia, SA Bhagwat, J Ghazoul, CD Nath, KM Nanaya, ...
Conservation Biology 24 (2), 479-488, 2010
Soluble sugars mediate sink feedback down-regulation of leaf photosynthesis in field-grown Coffea arabica
N Franck, P Vaast, M Génard, J Dauzat
Tree physiology 26 (4), 517-525, 2006
Exploring adaptation strategies of coffee production to climate change using a process-based model
E Rahn, P Vaast, P Läderach, P Van Asten, L Jassogne, J Ghazoul
Ecological Modelling 371, 76-89, 2018
Cocoa agroforestry is less resilient to sub‐optimal and extreme climate than cocoa in full sun
I Abdulai, P Vaast, MP Hoffmann, R Asare, L Jassogne, P Van Asten, ...
Global change biology 24 (1), 273-286, 2018
Effects of shade on the development and sugar metabolism of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) fruits
C Geromel, LP Ferreira, F Davrieux, B Guyot, F Ribeyre, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 46 (5-6), 569-579, 2008
Farmers in Côte d’Ivoire value integrating tree diversity in cocoa for the provision of ecosystem services
E Smith Dumont, GM Gnahoua, L Ohouo, FL Sinclair, P Vaast
Agroforestry systems 88, 1047-1066, 2014
El mejoramiento genético en América Central
B Bertrand, G Aguilar, R Santacreo, F Anzueto
Proceedings of the III International Seminar on Biotechnology in the Coffee …, 1999
Agroforestry associating coffee and Inga densiflora results in complementarity for water uptake and decreases deep drainage in Costa Rica
P Cannavo, J Sansoulet, JM Harmand, P Siles, E Dreyer, P Vaast
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 140 (1-2), 1-13, 2011
Fruit load and branch ring-barking affect carbon allocation and photosynthesis of leaf and fruit of Coffea arabica in the field
P Vaast, J Angrand, N Franck, J Dauzat, M Génard
Tree physiology 25 (6), 753-760, 2005
Characterization of cocoa production, income diversification and shade tree management along a climate gradient in Ghana
I Abdulai, L Jassogne, S Graefe, R Asare, P Van Asten, P Läderach, ...
PloS one 13 (4), e0195777, 2018
Leaf area index as an indicator of ecosystem services and management practices: An application for coffee agroforestry
S Taugourdeau, G Le Maire, J Avelino, JR Jones, LG Ramirez, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 192, 19-37, 2014
Increased light‐use efficiency sustains net primary productivity of shaded coffee plants in agroforestry system
F Charbonnier, O Roupsard, G Le Maire, J Guillemot, F Casanoves, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 40 (8), 1592-1608, 2017
Limitation of coffee leaf photosynthesis by stomatal conductance and light availability under different shade levels
N Franck, P Vaast
Trees 23, 761-769, 2009
Competition for light in heterogeneous canopies: Application of MAESTRA to a coffee (Coffea arabica L.) agroforestry system
F Charbonnier, G Le Maire, E Dreyer, F Casanoves, M Christina, J Dauzat, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 181, 152-169, 2013
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