Michael Pante
Michael Pante
Associate Professor of Biological Anthropology, Colorado State University
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Cited by
Validation of bone surface modification models for inferring fossil hominin and carnivore feeding interactions, with reapplication to FLK 22, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
MC Pante, RJ Blumenschine, SD Capaldo, RS Scott
Journal of human evolution 63 (2), 395-407, 2012
Carnivore tooth-marks, microbial bioerosion, and the invalidation of test of Oldowan hominin scavenging behavior
RJ Blumenschine, KA Prassack, CD Kreger, MC Pante
Journal of Human Evolution 53 (4), 420-426, 2007
A new high-resolution 3-D quantitative method for identifying bone surface modifications with implications for the Early Stone Age archaeological record
MC Pante, MV Muttart, TL Keevil, RJ Blumenschine, JK Njau, SR Merritt
Journal of human evolution 102, 1-11, 2017
Large mammal diets and paleoecology across the Oldowan–Acheulean transition at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania from stable isotope and tooth wear analyses
KT Uno, F Rivals, F Bibi, M Pante, J Njau, I de la Torre
Journal of human evolution 120, 76-91, 2018
Fluvial transport of bovid long bones fragmented by the feeding activities of hominins and carnivores
MC Pante, RJ Blumenschine
Journal of Archaeological Science 37 (4), 846-854, 2010
The carnivorous feeding behavior of early Homo at HWK EE, Bed II, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
MC Pante, JK Njau, B Hensley-Marschand, TL Keevil, C Martín-Ramos, ...
Journal of human evolution 120, 215-235, 2018
Paleoecology of the Serengeti during the Oldowan-Acheulean transition at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania: The mammal and fish evidence
F Bibi, M Pante, A Souron, K Stewart, S Varela, L Werdelin, JR Boisserie, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 120, 48-75, 2018
Geochemical “fingerprints” for Olduvai Gorge Bed II tuffs and implications for the Oldowan–Acheulean transition
LJ McHenry, JK Njau, I de la Torre, MC Pante
Quaternary Research 85 (1), 147-158, 2016
The larger mammal fossil assemblage from JK2, Bed III, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania: implications for the feeding behavior of Homo erectus
MC Pante
Journal of human evolution 64 (1), 68-82, 2013
Cut marks on bone surfaces: influences on variation in the form of traces of ancient behaviour
DR Braun, M Pante, W Archer
Interface focus 6 (3), 20160006, 2016
Revalidation of bone surface modification models for inferring fossil hominin and carnivore feeding interactions
MC Pante, RS Scott, RJ Blumenschine, SD Capaldo
Quaternary International 355, 164-168, 2015
3D 360 surface morphometric analysis of pounding stone tools used by Hadza foragers of Tanzania: a new methodological approach for studying percussive stone artefacts
A Benito-Calvo, AN Crittenden, SV Livengood, L Sánchez-Romero, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 20, 611-621, 2018
New excavations at the HWK EE site: Archaeology, paleoenvironment and site formation processes during late Oldowan times at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
I de la Torre, RM Albert, A Arroyo, R Macphail, LJ McHenry, R Mora, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 120, 140-202, 2018
Bone tools from Beds II–IV, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, and implications for the origins and evolution of bone technology
M Pante, I de La Torre, F d’Errico, J Njau, R Blumenschine
Journal of Human Evolution 148, 102885, 2020
The contexts and early Acheulean archaeology of the EF-HR paleo-landscape (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania)
I de la Torre, RM Albert, R Macphail, LJ McHenry, MC Pante, ...
Journal of human evolution 120, 274-297, 2018
Dietary traits of the ungulates from the HWK EE site at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): Diachronic changes and seasonality
F Rivals, KT Uno, F Bibi, MC Pante, J Njau, I de la Torre
Journal of human evolution 120, 203-214, 2018
Quantifying 3D micro‐surface changes on experimental stones used to break bones and their implications for the analysis of early stone age pounding tools
A Benito‐Calvo, A Arroyo, L Sánchez‐Romero, M Pante, I de la Torre
Archaeometry 60 (3), 419-436, 2018
A hidden treasure of the Lower Pleistocene at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania: the Leakey HWK EE assemblage
MC Pante, I de la Torre
Journal of Human Evolution 120, 114-139, 2018
The origins of the Acheulean at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): a new paleoanthropological project in East Africa
I De la Torre, L McHenry, J Njau, M Pante
Archaeology International 15 (1), 2012
The paleoecology of Pleistocene birds from Middle Bed II, at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, and the environmental context of the Oldowan-Acheulean transition
KA Prassack, MC Pante, JK Njau, I de la Torre
Journal of Human Evolution 120, 32-47, 2018
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Articles 1–20