Thomas Polzin
Thomas Polzin
Alumnus of the Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing, University of Lübeck
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Zitiert von
Estimation of Large Motion in Lung CT by Integrating Regularized Keypoint Correspondences into Dense Deformable Registration
J Ruhaak, T Polzin, S Heldmann, I Simpson, H Handels, J Modersitzki, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36 (8), 1746-1757, 2017
Patch-Based Nonlinear Image Registration for Gigapixel Whole Slide Images
J Lotz, J Olesch, B Muller, T Polzin, P Galuschka, J Lotz, S Heldmann, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63 (9), 1812--1819, 2015
Combining automatic landmark detection and variational methods for lung CT registration
T Polzin, J Rühaak, R Werner, J Strehlow, S Heldmann, H Handels, ...
Fifth International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, 85-96, 2013
Memory Efficient LDDMM for Lung CT
T Polzin, M Niethammer, MP Heinrich, H Handels, J Modersitzki
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2016
Lung Registration using Automatically Detected Landmarks
T Polzin, J Rühaak, R Werner, H Handels, J Modersitzki
Methods of Information in Medicine 53 (4), 250-256, 2014
An image registration framework for sliding motion with piecewise smooth deformations
S Heldmann, T Polzin, A Derksen, B Berkels
International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer …, 2015
Image registration with sliding motion constraints for 4D CT motion correction
A Derksen, S Heldmann, T Polzin, B Berkels
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2015, 335-340, 2015
Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mappings – Theory, Numerics, and Applications
T Polzin
University of Lübeck, Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing, 2018
A discretize–optimize approach for LDDMM registration
T Polzin, M Niethammer, FX Vialard, J Modersitzki
Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis, 479-532, 2020
Modellierung tumorinduzierter Gewebedeformation als Optimierungsproblem mit weicher Nebenbedingung
A Mang, S Becker, A Toma, T Polzin, TA Schütz, TM Buzug
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2011, 294-298, 2011
Lungenregistrierung mittels automatisch detektierter Landmarken
T Polzin, J Modersitzki, J Rühaak
Institute of Mathmatics and Image Computing, University of Lübeck, 2012
DIS-CO Lung: Fast and Accurate Lung CT Alignment Using Discrete Keypoint Detection and Continuous Image Registration
J Rühaak, T Polzin, MP Heinrich, 2016
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