Lars Orbach
Lars Orbach
Federal University Minas Gerais
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State- and trait-math anxiety and their relation to math performance in children: The role of core executive functions
L Orbach, M Herzog, A Fritz
Cognition 2020 (200), 2020
Relation of state- and trait-math anxiety to intelligence, math achievement and learning motivation
L Orbach, M Herzog, A Fritz
Journal of Numerical Cognition 5 (3), 371-399, 2019
Reducing math anxiety in school children: A systematic review of intervention research
M Balt, M Börnert-Ringleb, L Orbach
Frontiers in Education 7, 798516, 2022
A latent profile analysis of math anxiety and core beliefs toward mathematics among children
L Orbach, A Fritz
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1509 (1), 130-144, 2022
Math anxiety during the transition from primary to secondary school
L Orbach, M Herzog, A Fritz
Inclusive Mathematics Education: State-of-the-Art research from Brazil and …, 2019
Relation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to basic number skills and arithmetic fact retrieval in children
L Orbach, M Herzog, A Fritz
Research in Developmental Disabilities 103 (2020), 103697, 2020
Patterns of attention and anxiety in predicting arithmetic fluency among school-aged children
L Orbach, A Fritz
Brain sciences 12 (3), 376, 2022
Conditions of distance learning and teaching and their relation to elementary school children’s basic number skills after the suspension of face-to-face teaching during the …
L Orbach, A Fritz, VG Haase, A Dowker, P Räsänen
Frontiers in Education, 2023
State- und Trait-Mathematikängste – hemmende Prädiktoren mathematischer Leistungsfähigkeit?
L Orbach, M Herzog, A Fritz
Empirische Sonderpädagogik 11 (1), 3-30, 2019
Lern-und Verhaltensschwierigkeiten in der Schule: Erscheinungsformen-Entwicklungsmodelle-Implikationen für die Praxis
M Hasselhorn, A Gold, A Castello, R Stein, H Scheithauer, J Wilbert, ...
Kohlhammer Verlag, 2023
Conditions of distance learning and teaching and their relation to elementary school children’s basic number skills after the suspension of face-to-face teaching during the …
L Orbach, A Fritz, VG Haase, A Dowker, P Räsänen
Math anxiety assessment within the sate-trait anxiety model: psychometric analysis of the “Mathematics Anxiety Questionnaire” and “State-Mathematics Anxiety Questionnaire” in …
A Fernández-Blanco, CA Rojas-Barahona, MN Dib, L Orbach
Current Psychology 43 (10), 8812-8824, 2024
Mathematikangst bei Schulkindern: Einführung und Wirkmodelle
L Orbach
Lern-und Verhaltensschwierigkeiten in der Schule: Erscheinungsformen …, 2023
State-and Trait-math Anxiety and Their Relation to Math Performance in Children
L Orbach
Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2020
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