Jutta M Schneider
Jutta M Schneider
Professor für Verhaltensbiologie, Universität Hamburg
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Securing paternity in spiders? A review on occurrence and effects of mating plugs and male genital mutilation
G Uhl, SH Nessler, JM Schneider
Genetica 138, 75-104, 2010
Female control of paternity in the sexually cannibalistic spider Argiope keyserlingi
MA Elgar, JM Schneider, ME Herberstein
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
Evolutionary significance of sexual cannibalism
MA Elgar, JM Schneider
Advances in the Study of Behavior 34 (4), 135-163, 2004
Sperm competition and small size advantage for males of the golden orb‐web spider Nephila edulis
JM Schneider, ME Herberstein, FC De Crespigny, S Ramamurthy, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13 (6), 939-946, 2000
Sexual cannibalism and sperm competition in the golden orb-web spider Nephila plumipes (Araneoidea): female and male perspectives
JM Schneider, MA Elgar
Behavioral Ecology 12 (5), 547-552, 2001
Costs of courtship and mating in a sexually cannibalistic orb-web spider: female mating strategies and their consequences for males
M Herberstein, J Schneider, M Elgar
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51, 440-446, 2002
Faithful without care: the evolution of monogyny
L Fromhage, MA Elgar, JM Schneider
Evolution 59 (7), 1400-1405, 2005
Sexual conflict over copulation duration in a cannibalistic spider
JM Schneider, S Gilberg, L Fromhage, G Uhl
Animal Behaviour 71 (4), 781-788, 2006
Intersexual conflict in spiders
JM Schneider, Y Lubin
Oikos, 496-506, 1998
Intersexual arms race? Genital coevolution in nephilid spiders (Araneae, Nephilidae)
M Kuntner, JA Coddington, JM Schneider
Evolution 63 (6), 1451-1463, 2009
The transition to social inbred mating systems in spiders: role of inbreeding tolerance in a subsocial predecessor
T Bilde, Y Lubin, D Smith, JM Schneider, AA Maklakov
Evolution 59 (1), 160-174, 2005
Individual behavioural consistency and plasticity in an urban spider
S Kralj-Fišer, JM Schneider
Animal Behaviour 84 (1), 197-204, 2012
Safer sex with feeding females: sexual conflict in a cannibalistic spider
L Fromhage, JM Schneider
Behavioral Ecology 16 (2), 377-382, 2005
Emasculation to plug up females: the significance of pedipalp damage in Nephila fenestrata
L Fromhage, JM Schneider
Behavioral Ecology 17 (3), 353-357, 2006
Fitness consequences of sexual cannibalism in female Argiope bruennichi
L Fromhage, G Uhl, JM Schneider
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55, 60-64, 2003
Genital damage in the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi (Araneae: Araneidae) increases paternity success
SH Nessler, G Uhl, JM Schneider
Behavioral Ecology 18 (1), 174-181, 2007
Benefits of cooperation with genetic kin in a subsocial spider
JM Schneider, T Bilde
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (31), 10843-10846, 2008
Mating behaviour and sexual selection
JM Schneider, MCB Andrade
Spider behaviour: flexibility and versatility, 215-274, 2011
The age and evolution of sociality in Stegodyphus spiders: a molecular phylogenetic perspective
J Johannesen, Y Lubin, DR Smith, T Bilde, JM Schneider
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1607), 231-237, 2007
The effect of prey type on the geometry of the capture web of Araneus diadematus
JM Schneider, F Vollrath
The Science of Nature 85, 391-394, 1998
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