Franck Cassez
Franck Cassez
movement Labs
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Efficient on-the-fly algorithms for the analysis of timed games
F Cassez, A David, E Fleury, K Larsen, D Lime
CONCUR 2005–Concurrency Theory, 66-80, 2005
The impressive power of stopwatches
F Cassez, K Larsen
CONCUR 2000—Concurrency Theory, 138-152, 2000
Structural translation from time Petri nets to timed automata
F Cassez, OH Roux
Journal of Systems and Software 79 (10), 1456-1468, 2006
Synthesis of opaque systems with static and dynamic masks
F Cassez, J Dubreil, H Marchand
Formal Methods in System Design 40, 88-115, 2012
Optimal strategies in priced timed game automata
P Bouyer, F Cassez, E Fleury, K Larsen
FSTTCS 2004: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer …, 2005
Comparison of the expressiveness of timed automata and time Petri nets
B Bérard, F Cassez, S Haddad, D Lime, O Roux
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 211-225, 2005
Fault diagnosis with static and dynamic observers
F Cassez, S Tripakis
Fundamenta Informaticae 88 (4), 497-540, 2008
Comparison of different semantics for time Petri nets
B Bérard, F Cassez, S Haddad, D Lime, O Roux
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 293-307, 2005
A comparison of control problems for timed and hybrid systems
F Cassez, T Henzinger, JF Raskin
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 134-148, 2002
Automatic synthesis of robust and optimal controllers–an industrial case study
F Cassez, J Jessen, K Larsen, JF Raskin, PA Reynier
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 90-104, 2009
The dark side of timed opacity
F Cassez
International conference on information security and assurance, 21-30, 2009
Semantics of biological regulatory networks
G Bernot, F Cassez, JP Comet, F Delaplace, C Müller, O Roux
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 180 (3), 3-14, 2007
The complexity of codiagnosability for discrete event and timed systems
F Cassez
Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 57 (7), 1752-1764, 2012
Timed control with observation based and stuttering invariant strategies
F Cassez, A David, K Larsen, D Lime, JF Raskin
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 192-206, 2007
Dynamic observers for the synthesis of opaque systems
F Cassez, J Dubreil, H Marchand
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 352-367, 2009
When are timed automata weakly timed bisimilar to time Petri nets?
B Bérard, F Cassez, S Haddad, D Lime, OH Roux
Theoretical Computer Science 403 (2), 202-220, 2008
The expressive power of time Petri nets
B Bérard, F Cassez, S Haddad, D Lime, OH Roux
Theoretical Computer Science 474, 1--20, 2013
Compilation of the ELECTRE reactive language into finite transition systems
F Cassez, O Roux
Theoretical Computer Science 146 (1), 109-143, 1995
Efficient and Scalable Runtime Monitoring for Cyber–Physical System
X Zheng, C Julien, R Podorozhny, F Cassez, T Rakotoarivelo
IEEE Systems Journal, 2017
Timed games for computing WCET for pipelined processors with caches
F Cassez
Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD), 2011 11th International …, 2011
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