Martino Alessandrini
Martino Alessandrini
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A pipeline for the generation of realistic 3D synthetic echocardiographic sequences: Methodology and open-access database
M Alessandrini, M De Craene, O Bernard, S Giffard-Roisin, P Allain, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 34 (7), 1436-1451, 2015
A virtual imaging platform for multi-modality medical image simulation
T Glatard, C Lartizien, B Gibaud, RF Da Silva, G Forestier, F Cervenansky, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 32 (1), 110-118, 2012
Standardized evaluation system for left ventricular segmentation algorithms in 3D echocardiography
O Bernard, JG Bosch, B Heyde, M Alessandrini, D Barbosa, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (4), 967-977, 2015
CREASEG: a free software for the evaluation of image segmentation algorithms based on level-set
T Dietenbeck, M Alessandrini, D Friboulet, O Bernard
2010 IEEE International conference on image processing, 665-668, 2010
Myocardial motion estimation from medical images using the monogenic signal
M Alessandrini, A Basarab, H Liebgott, O Bernard
IEEE transactions on image processing 22 (3), 1084-1095, 2012
Compressed sensing reconstruction of 3D ultrasound data using dictionary learning and line-wise subsampling
O Lorintiu, H Liebgott, M Alessandrini, O Bernard, D Friboulet
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 34 (12), 2467-2477, 2015
Statistical shape modeling of the left ventricle: myocardial infarct classification challenge
A Suinesiaputra, P Ablin, X Alba, M Alessandrini, J Allen, W Bai, S Cimen, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 22 (2), 503-515, 2017
Detection of the whole myocardium in 2D-echocardiography for multiple orientations using a geometrically constrained level-set
T Dietenbeck, M Alessandrini, D Barbosa, J D’hooge, D Friboulet, ...
Medical image analysis 16 (2), 386-401, 2012
3D strain assessment in ultrasound (straus): A synthetic comparison of five tracking methodologies
M De Craene, S Marchesseau, B Heyde, H Gao, M Alessandrini, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 32 (9), 1632-1646, 2013
A proof of concept for computational fluid dynamic analysis of the left atrium in atrial fibrillation on a patient-specific basis
A Masci, M Alessandrini, D Forti, F Menghini, L Dedé, C Tomasi, ...
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 142 (1), 011002, 2020
Realistic vendor-specific synthetic ultrasound data for quality assurance of 2-d speckle tracking echocardiography: Simulation pipeline and open access database
M Alessandrini, B Chakraborty, B Heyde, O Bernard, M De Craene, ...
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 65 …, 2017
Detailed evaluation of five 3D speckle tracking algorithms using synthetic echocardiographic recordings
M Alessandrini, B Heyde, S Queirós, S Cygan, M Zontak, O Somphone, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (8), 1915-1926, 2016
A restoration framework for ultrasonic tissue characterization
M Alessandrini, S Maggio, J Porée, L De Marchi, N Speciale, ...
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 58 …, 2011
A framework for the generation of realistic synthetic cardiac ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging sequences from the same virtual patients
Y Zhou, S Giffard-Roisin, M De Craene, S Camarasu-Pop, J D’Hooge, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (3), 741-754, 2017
Predictive deconvolution and hybrid feature selection for computer-aided detection of prostate cancer
S Maggio, A Palladini, L De Marchi, M Alessandrini, N Speciale, G Masetti
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 29 (2), 455-464, 2009
Monogenic phase based optical flow computation for myocardial motion analysis in 3D echocardiography
M Alessandrini, H Liebgott, D Barbosa, O Bernard
International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of …, 2012
Simulation of realistic echocardiographic sequences for ground-truth validation of motion estimation
M Alessandrini, H Liebgott, D Friboulet, O Bernard
2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2329-2332, 2012
A new technique for the estimation of cardiac motion in echocardiography based on transverse oscillations: A preliminary evaluation in silico and a feasibility demonstration in …
M Alessandrini, A Basarab, L Boussel, X Guo, A Serusclat, D Friboulet, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 33 (5), 1148-1162, 2014
Machine learning of the spatio-temporal characteristics of echocardiographic deformation curves for infarct classification
M Tabassian, M Alessandrini, L Herbots, O Mirea, ED Pagourelias, ...
The international journal of cardiovascular imaging 33, 1159-1167, 2017
Anatomical image registration using volume conservation to assess cardiac deformation from 3D ultrasound recordings
B Heyde, M Alessandrini, J Hermans, D Barbosa, P Claus, J D'hooge
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (2), 501-511, 2015
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