Maximilian Held
Cited by
Cited by
Value Structure and Dimensions: Evidence from the German World Values Survey
M Held, J Müller, F Deutsch, E Grzechnik, C Welzel
Held, M., J. Mueller, F. Deutsch, E. Grzechnik & C. Welzel (2009)." Value …, 2009
Comparing media systems and media content: Online newspapers in ten Eastern and Western European countries
H Wessler, M Skorek, K Kleinen-Königslow, M Held, M Dobreva, ...
Journal of Global Mass Communication 1 (3/4), 165, 2008
Digitalisierung "machen" – Ansichten im Engineering zur partizipativen Gestaltung von Industrie 4.0
S Pfeiffer, M Held, H Lee
Arbeit 4.0 – Digitalisierung, IT und Arbeit, 2018
Doing Industry 4.0–participatory design on the shop floor in the view of engineering employees
S Pfeiffer, H Lee, M Held
Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales 37 (1), 293-311, 2019
Package ‘qmethod’
A Zabala, M Held
Pensieve – An R package for the scientific study of human subjectivity
M Held, 2018
Mindset–Begriffskarriere zwischen Management-Talk, Wissenschaft und Ideologie. Eine explorative Annäherung
M Blank, M Held, M Nicklich, S Pfeiffer, S Sauer, A Tihlarik
Laboratory Working Paper 01–2020 (online unter: https://www. labouratory. de …, 2020
Implantando la Industria 4.0. Diseno participativo desde la vision de los empleados de ingenieria.
S Pfeiffer, H Lee, M Held
Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales 37 (2), 293-312, 2019
Von Open Source lernen, heißt Schreiben lernen -- Ein wissenschaftsdidaktisches Experiment des gemeinsamen Schreibens auf Github mit OberstufenschülerInnen
V Kasztantowicz, M Held
Teaching is Touching the Future -- Academic Teaching Within and Acoss …, 2015
Value Structure and Dimensions: Evidence from the German World Values Survey
M Held, J Mueller, F Deutsch, E Grzechnik, C Welzel
Value Structure and Dimensions: Evidence from the German World Values Survey …, 2014
Eurolektionen - Europa in der Schule
L de Ruffray, M Ekkert, M Held, M Savin, L Zierow
Projekt Junges Europa 5, 2010
Structural Unemployment and Working Poverty are Not Inevitable - Let's Share the Burden of Economic Transformation
M Held
Schlossplatz3 8, 2010
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Articles 1–12