Kelly C. Wrighton
Kelly C. Wrighton
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Unusual biology across a group comprising more than 15% of domain Bacteria
CT Brown, LA Hug, BC Thomas, I Sharon, CJ Castelle, A Singh, ...
Nature 523 (7559), 208-211, 2015
Experimental factors affecting PCR-based estimates of microbial species richness and evenness
A Engelbrektson, V Kunin, KC Wrighton, N Zvenigorodsky, F Chen, ...
The ISME journal 4 (5), 642-647, 2010
DRAM for distilling microbial metabolism to automate the curation of microbiome function
M Shaffer, MA Borton, BB McGivern, AA Zayed, SL La Rosa, LM Solden, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (16), 8883-8900, 2020
Fermentation, hydrogen, and sulfur metabolism in multiple uncultivated bacterial phyla
KC Wrighton, BC Thomas, I Sharon, CS Miller, CJ Castelle, ...
Science 337 (6102), 1661-1665, 2012
Genomic expansion of domain archaea highlights roles for organisms from new phyla in anaerobic carbon cycling
CJ Castelle, KC Wrighton, BC Thomas, LA Hug, CT Brown, MJ Wilkins, ...
Current biology 25 (6), 690-701, 2015
Minimum information about an uncultivated virus genome (MIUViG)
S Roux, EM Adriaenssens, BE Dutilh, EV Koonin, AM Kropinski, ...
Nature biotechnology 37 (1), 29-37, 2019
Community genomic analyses constrain the distribution of metabolic traits across the Chloroflexi phylum and indicate roles in sediment carbon cycling
LA Hug, CJ Castelle, KC Wrighton, BC Thomas, I Sharon, KR Frischkorn, ...
Microbiome 1, 1-17, 2013
Host-linked soil viral ecology along a permafrost thaw gradient
JB Emerson, S Roux, JR Brum, B Bolduc, BJ Woodcroft, HB Jang, ...
Nature microbiology 3 (8), 870-880, 2018
Clades of huge phages from across Earth’s ecosystems
B Al-Shayeb, R Sachdeva, LX Chen, F Ward, P Munk, A Devoto, ...
Nature 578 (7795), 425-431, 2020
Diverse uncultivated ultra-small bacterial cells in groundwater
B Luef, KR Frischkorn, KC Wrighton, HYN Holman, G Birarda, BC Thomas, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6372, 2015
The human gut and groundwater harbor non-photosynthetic bacteria belonging to a new candidate phylum sibling to Cyanobacteria
SC Di Rienzi, I Sharon, KC Wrighton, O Koren, LA Hug, BC Thomas, ...
elife 2, e01102, 2013
A novel ecological role of the Firmicutes identified in thermophilic microbial fuel cells
KC Wrighton, P Agbo, F Warnecke, KA Weber, EL Brodie, TZ DeSantis, ...
The ISME journal 2 (11), 1146-1156, 2008
The bright side of microbial dark matter: lessons learned from the uncultivated majority
L Solden, K Lloyd, K Wrighton
Current opinion in microbiology 31, 217-226, 2016
Small genomes and sparse metabolisms of sediment-associated bacteria from four candidate phyla
RS Kantor, KC Wrighton, KM Handley, I Sharon, LA Hug, CJ Castelle, ...
MBio 4 (5), 10.1128/mbio. 00708-13, 2013
Methanogenesis in oxygenated soils is a substantial fraction of wetland methane emissions
JC Angle, TH Morin, LM Solden, AB Narrowe, GJ Smith, MA Borton, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1567, 2017
Microbial metabolisms in a 2.5-km-deep ecosystem created by hydraulic fracturing in shales
RA Daly, MA Borton, MJ Wilkins, DW Hoyt, DJ Kountz, RA Wolfe, ...
Nature microbiology 1 (10), 1-9, 2016
Cryptic inoviruses revealed as pervasive in bacteria and archaea across Earth’s biomes
S Roux, M Krupovic, RA Daly, AL Borges, S Nayfach, F Schulz, A Sharrar, ...
Nature microbiology 4 (11), 1895-1906, 2019
Evidence for direct electron transfer by a Gram-positive bacterium isolated from a microbial fuel cell
KC Wrighton, JC Thrash, RA Melnyk, JP Bigi, KG Byrne-Bailey, JP Remis, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 77 (21), 7633-7639, 2011
Short-read assembly of full-length 16S amplicons reveals bacterial diversity in subsurface sediments
CS Miller, KM Handley, KC Wrighton, KR Frischkorn, BC Thomas, ...
PloS one 8 (2), e56018, 2013
Soil viruses are underexplored players in ecosystem carbon processing
G Trubl, HB Jang, S Roux, JB Emerson, N Solonenko, DR Vik, L Solden, ...
MSystems 3 (5), 10.1128/msystems. 00076-18, 2018
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