Katherine Fraser
Katherine Fraser
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More on pejorative language: Insults that go beyond their extension
E Castroviejo, K Fraser, A Vicente
Synthese 198 (10), 9139-9164, 2021
Contrastive focus reduplication and the modification puzzle
F Bross, KE Fraser
Ubiquity Press, 2020
polysemous posture in english: a case study of non-literal meaning
K Fraser
Oslo Studies in Language 10 (2), 2018
Lenguaje peyorativo en español
A Vicente, K Fraser, E Castroviejo
Teorema: Revista internacional de filosofía 39 (2), 63-86, 2020
The literal/non-literal divide synchronically and diachronically: The lexical semantics of an English posture verb
K Fraser
Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2022
Pejorative language in Spanish: derogatory terms and neutral terms used as insults
A Vicente, K Fraser, E Castroviejo
TEOREMA 39 (2), 63-85, 2020
Lenguaje peyorativo en español: términos despreciativos y términos neutros usados como insultos.
A Vicente, K Fraser, E Castroviejo
teorema 39 (2), 2020
The Athlete Tore a Muscle: English Locative Subjects in the Extra Argument Construction
K Fraser
Language, Logic, and Computation. TbiLLC 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer …, 2019
Being progressive and evaluative: Comparing Afrikaans and Dutch progressive verb clusters
C Pots, K Fraser
5e Gents colloquium over het Afrikaans 4-6 oktober 2018, 30, 2018
The Athlete Tore a Muscle: English Locative Subjects in the Extra Argument Construction
K Fraser
International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, 128-146, 2018
Progressive evaluations. Comparing Dutch and Afrikaans periphrastic constructions
C Pots, K Fraser
CamCoS7, Date: 2018/05/10-2018/05/12, Location: Cambridge, 2018
Micro-variation at the morphosyntax-semantics interface: Comparing the progressive in Dutch and Afrikaans
C Pots, K Fraser
TEAM, Date: 2018/06/14-2018/06/14, Location: Padova, 2018
Motion verbs in progress: A cross-linguistic study of expressive meaning
C Pots, K Fraser
Szklarska Poręba Workshop,, Date: 2017/03/04-2017/03/06, Location: Szklarska …, 2017
Progressive posture
K Fraser
Contrastive focus reduplication and the modification puzzle
F Bross, K Fraser
Scalarity in the swarm alternation1
D Hole, K Fraser
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