Philipp Koob
Philipp Koob
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Zitiert von
Large Eddy Simulation of Soot Formation in a Real Aero-Engine Combustor Using Tabulated Chemistry and a Quadrature-Based Method of Moments
P Koob, F Ferraro, H Nicolai, R Eggels, M Staufer, C Hasse
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 146, 011015-1, 2024
Doak's Momentum Potential Theory extended to multi-component and reactive flows-Theoretical formulation and LES data application
R D'Aniello, B Seo, P Koob, H Reinhardt, C Hasse, K Knobloch
Numerical Investigation of Effusion Cooling Air Influence on the CO Emissions for a Single-Sector Aero-Engine Model Combustor
S Recio Balmaseda, TJP Karpowski, H Nicolai, P Koob, C Hasse, ...
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 146 (12), 2024
Analysis of potential soot breakthrough during oxidation at aero-engine relevant conditions
P Koob, H Nicolai, R Schmitz, C Hasse
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (1-4), 105672, 2024
Overview of the main effects present in a real gas turbine combustor
P Koob, H Nicolai
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Artikel 1–5