Alexandra Zapko-Willmes
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Theoretical perspectives on the interplay of nature and nurture in personality development
C Kandler, A Zapko-Willmes
Personality development across the lifespan, 101-115, 2017
Basic value orientations and moral foundations: Convergent or discriminant constructs?
A Zapko-Willmes, SH Schwartz, J Richter, C Kandler
Journal of Research in Personality 92, 104099, 2021
The Study of Personality Architecture and Dynamics (SPeADy): A longitudinal and extended twin family study
C Kandler, A Penner, J Richter, A Zapko-Willmes
Twin Research and Human Genetics 22 (6), 548-553, 2019
The nature and nurture of HEXACO personality trait differences
C Kandler, J Richter, A Zapko-Willmes
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2019
Natural experiments: Missed opportunities for causal inference in psychology
MP Grosz, A Ayaita, RC Arslan, S Buecker, T Ebert, P Hünermund, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 7 (1 …, 2024
Unravelling quasi–causal environmental effects via phenotypic and genetically informed multi–rater models: The case of differential parenting and authoritarianism
A Zapko–Willmes, R Riemann, C Kandler
European Journal of Personality 32 (3), 233-253, 2018
Genetic variance in homophobia: Evidence from self-and peer reports
A Zapko-Willmes, C Kandler
Behavior genetics 48, 34-43, 2018
Synergistic and dynamic genotype-environment interplays in the development of personality differences
C Kandler, A Zapko-Willmes, J Richter, R Riemann
The handbook of personality dynamics and processes, 155-181, 2021
Broad and narrow environmental and genetic sources of personality differences: An extended twin family study
C Kandler, A Zapko‐Willmes, JF Rauthmann
Journal of Personality 92 (1), 55-72, 2024
Genetic basis of traits
C Kandler, J Richter, A Zapko-Willmes
Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, 1776-1787, 2020
Personality development across the lifespan
C Kandler, A Zapko-Willmes, J Specht
Elsevier. https://doi. org/10.1016/B978-0-12-804674-6.00008-9, 2017
Core and surface characteristics of personality
C Kandler, A Penner, A Zapko-Willmes
Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, 909-914, 2020
The longitudinal and multimodal age groups study of personality architecture and dynamics (SPeADy)
Y Wiechers, A Zapko-Willmes, J Richter, C Kandler
Personality Science 4 (1), e6421, 2023
Accounting for the association between socioeconomic status and youth political participation: A twin family study
A Zapko‐Willmes, Y Theocharis
Political Psychology, 2023
Youth Depression Symptoms During COVID-19
M Deppe, A Zapko-Willmes
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2023
Sources of individual differences in sociopolitical orientations: Findings from combining behavior genetic with multi-rater approaches
A Zapko-Willmes
The genetic and environmental foundations of morality
C Kandler, A Zapko-Willmes
Behavior Genetics 47 (6), 653-654, 2017
Genetic Hypotheses of Homophobia
A Zapko-Willmes, C Kandler
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2016
Nuanced HEXACO: A meta-analysis of HEXACO cross-rater agreement, heritability, and rank-order stability
S Henry, W Baker, D Bratko, P Jern, C Kandler, JM Tybur, RE Vries, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 01461672241253637, 2022
Sources of homophobia towards gay men: a multi-rater twin study
A Zapko-Willmes, C Kandler
BEHAVIOR GENETICS 47 (6), 644-644, 2017
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