Dr. Lisa Hanna Broska
Dr. Lisa Hanna Broska
Research Centre Juelich, Institute of Energy and Climate Research
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Extreme events defined—A conceptual discussion applying a complex systems approach
LH Broska, WR Poganietz, S Vögele
Futures 115, 102490, 2020
It’s all about community: On the interplay of social capital, social needs, and environmental concern in sustainable community action
LH Broska
Energy Research & Social Science 79, 102165, 2021
On the future (s) of energy communities in the German energy transition: a derivation of transformation pathways
LH Broska, S Vögele, H Shamon, I Wittenberg
Sustainability 14 (6), 3169, 2022
Why the trend towards gas-guzzlers? A closer look at the complex effects of social norms on German car buyers
S Voegele, LH Broska, S Otte, D Rübbelke
Energy research & social science 72, 101840, 2021
Macroeconomic impacts of energy communities and individual prosumers: an assessment of transformation pathways
S Vögele, LH Broska, A Ross, D Rübbelke
Energy, Sustainability and Society 13 (1), 13, 2023
Phasing out fossil fuels-How to achieve a just transition?
E Kriegler, R Gulde, A Colell, C von Hirschhausen, JC Minx, PY Oei, ...
Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (ua), 2020
Studying Extreme Events: An Interdisciplinary Review of the Latest Research
J Alvre, LH Broska, DTG Rübbelke, S Vögele
Heliyon, 2024
Menschliches Verhalten & Energiewende-Erklärungsansätze aus Psychologie, Ökonomie und Soziologie (Human Behavior & Energy Transition–Explanations From Psychology, Economics and …
I Wittenberg, LH Broska, S Vögele, H Shamon
Ökonomie und Soziologie (Human Behavior & Energy Transition–Explanations …, 2021
Ausstieg aus fossilen Energieträgern-wie gelingt eine faire Systemtransformation
E Kriegler, R Gulde, A Colell, C von Hirschhausen, JC Minx, PY Oei, ...
Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (ua), 2020
Social Norms: Jeopardizing the Transition of Energy Systems towards Sustainability?
S Vögele, LH Broska, S Otte, D Rübbelke
Das System kann den Vorgang jetzt nicht ausführen. Versuchen Sie es später erneut.
Artikel 1–10