Peter van der Putten
Peter van der Putten
Assistant Professor, LIACS, Leiden University
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Artificial intelligence: definition, trends, techniques, and cases
JN Kok, EJ Boers, WA Kosters, P van der Putten, M Poel
Knowledge for sustainable development: an insight into the Encyclopedia of …, 2002
On the impact of data set size in transfer learning using deep neural networks
D Soekhoe, P van Der Putten, A Plaat
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV: 15th International Symposium, IDA …, 2016
A bias-variance analysis of a real world learning problem: The CoIL challenge 2000
P van der Putten, M van Someren
Machine learning 57 (1), 177-195, 2004
CoIL challenge 2000: The insurance company case
P van der Putten, M van Someren, 2000
An analysis of machine learning algorithms for condensing reverse engineered class diagrams
MH Osman, MRV Chaudron, P van der Putten
2013 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 140-149, 2013
Data fusion through statistical matching
P van der Putten, JN Kok, A Gupta
MIT Sloan Working Paper No. 4342-02; Eller College Working Paper No. 1031-05 …, 2002
The impact of experimental setup in prepaid churn prediction for mobile telecommunications: What to predict, for whom and does the customer experience matter?
D Radosavljevik, P van der Putten, KK Larsen
Trans. Mach. Learn. Data Min. 3 (2), 80-99, 2010
Does feature selection improve classification? A large scale experiment in OpenML
MJ Post, P van der Putten, JN van Rijn
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV: 15th International Symposium, IDA …, 2016
A comprehensive benchmark of the artificial immune recognition system (AIRS)
L Meng, P van der Putten, H Wang
International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, 575-582, 2005
Why the Information Explosion Can Be Bad for Data Mining, and How Data Fusion Provides a Way Out
P van der Putten, JN Kok, A Gupta
Proceedings of the Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 128, 2002
Data mining in direct marketing databases
P van der Putten
Complexity and Management: A Collection of Essays. World Scientific …, 1999
Combining customer attribute and social network mining for prepaid mobile churn prediction
PD Kusuma, D Radosavljevik, FW Takes, P van der Putten
Proc. the 23rd Annual Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning …, 2013
Don’t rule out simple models prematurely: a large scale benchmark comparing linear and non-linear classifiers in OpenML
B Strang, P van der Putten, JN Rijn, F Hutter
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVII: 17th International Symposium …, 2018
Theory of mind in large language models: Examining performance of 11 state-of-the-art models vs. children aged 7-10 on advanced tests
MJ van Duijn, B van Dijk, T Kouwenhoven, W de Valk, MR Spruit, ...
Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Computational Natural Language …, 2023
Automating the construction of scene classifiers for content-based video retrieval
M Israël, EL van den Broek, P van der Putten
Multimedia Data Mining (MDM) 2004, 2004
The morality machine: Tracking moral values in tweets
L Teernstra, P van der Putten, L Noordegraaf-Eelens, F Verbeek
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV: 15th International Symposium, IDA …, 2016
DTMC: An actionable e-customer lifetime value model based on Markov chains and decision trees
P Paauwe, P van der Putten, M van Wezel
Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Electronic commerce …, 2007
Tinkering in scientific education
MH Lamers, FJ Verbeek, PWH van der Putten
Advances in Computer Entertainment: 10th International Conference, ACE 2013 …, 2013
Trust me on this one: Conforming to conversational assistants
D Schreuter, P van der Putten, MH Lamers
Minds and Machines 31, 535-562, 2021
Towards Automated Grading of UML Class Diagrams with Machine Learning
DR Stikkolorum, P van der Putten, C Sperandio, MRV Chaudron
Benelearn 2019, 69, 2019
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