Manuel Garcia Heras
Manuel Garcia Heras
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Preparation and electrochemical study of cerium–silica sol–gel thin films
M Garcia-Heras, A Jimenez-Morales, B Casal, JC Galvan, S Radzki, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 380 (1-2), 219-224, 2004
Arqueometría: cambios y tendencias actuales
I Montero Ruiz, M García Heras, E López-Romero
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), 2007
Biodeterioration of historic stained glasses from the Cartuja de Miraflores (Spain)
N Carmona, L Laiz, JM Gonzalez, M Garcia-Heras, MA Villegas, ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 58 (3-4), 155-161, 2006
Lead determination in glasses by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
N Carmona, M Oujja, S Gaspard, M García-Heras, MA Villegas, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 62 (2), 94-100, 2007
Ceramic tradition in the African forest: characterisation analysis of ancient and modern pottery from Ituri, DR Congo
J Mercader, M Garcia-Heras, I Gonzalez-Alvarez
Journal of Archaeological Science 27 (2), 163-182, 2000
Analysis of archaeological ceramics by TXRF and contrasted by NAA
JDT M García-Heras, Ramón Fernández-Ruiz
Journal of Archaeological Science 24 (11), 1003-1014, 1997
Study of archaeological ceramics by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry: Semi-quantitative approach
R Fernández-Ruiz, M Garcia-Heras
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 62 (10), 1123-1129, 2007
Chemical degradation of glasses under simulated marine medium
N Carmona, M Garcia-Heras, C Gil, MA Villegas
Materials chemistry and physics 94 (1), 92-102, 2005
Islamic glasses from Al-Andalus. Characterisation of materials from a Murcian workshop (12th century AD, Spain)
N Carmona, MA Villegas, P Jiménez, J Navarro, M García-Heras
Journal of Cultural Heritage 10 (3), 439-445, 2009
Pre-Roman coloured glass beads from the Iberian Peninsula: a chemico-physical characterisation study
M García-Heras, JM Rincón, A Jimeno, MA Villegas
Journal of Archaeological Science 32 (5), 727-738, 2005
Photoluminescence of silver in glassy matrices
MA Garcia, M García-Heras, E Cano, JM Bastidas, MA Villegas, ...
Journal of applied physics 96 (7), 3737-3741, 2004
Assessing Ceramic Compositional Data: A Comparison of Total Reflection X‐ray Fluorescence and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis On Late Iron Age Spanish Celtiberian Ceramics
M García‐Heras, MJ Blackman, R Fernández‐Ruiz, RL Bishop
Archaeometry 43 (3), 325-347, 2001
Optical behaviour of pH detectors based on sol–gel technology
M García-Heras, C Gil, N Carmona, J Faber, K Kromka, MA Villegas
Analytica chimica acta 540 (1), 147-152, 2005
Archaeological and historical glasses: A bibliometric study
T Palomar, M García-Heras, MA Villegas
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio 48 (4), 187-194, 2009
Caracterización arqueométrica de la producción cerámica numantina
M García Heras
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2003
Neorenaissance/Neobaroque stained glass windows from Madrid: a characterisation study on some panels signed by the Maumejean Fréres company
M García-Heras, N Carmona, C Gil, MA Villegas
Journal of cultural heritage 6 (2), 91-98, 2005
Brick masonry identification in a complex historic building, the Main College of the University of Alcalá, Madrid (Spain)
G Barluenga, F Estirado, R Undurraga, JF Conde, F Agua, MÁ Villegas, ...
Construction and Building Materials 54, 39-46, 2014
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for analysis and characterization of degradation pathologies of Roman glasses
T Palomar, M Oujja, M García-Heras, MA Villegas, M Castillejo
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 87, 114-120, 2013
Analysis of archaeological ceramics by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence: Quantitative approaches
R Fernández-Ruiz, M Garcia-Heras
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 63 (9), 975-979, 2008
Métodos y análisis para la caracterización de cerámicas arqueológicas. Estado actual de la investigación en España
MG Heras, C Olaetxea
Archivo Español de Arqueología 65 (165-166), 263-289, 1992
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