Funda Ustek Spilda
Funda Ustek Spilda
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(Dis) embeddedness and (de) commodification: COVID-19, Uber, and the unravelling logics of the gig economy
S Katta, A Badger, M Graham, K Howson, F Ustek-Spilda, A Bertolini
Dialogues in Human Geography 10 (2), 203-207, 2020
Enacting migration through data practices
S Scheel, E Ruppert, F Ustek-Spilda
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 37 (4), 579-588, 2019
The politics of expertise and ignorance in the field of migration management
S Scheel, F Ustek-Spilda
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 37 (4), 663-681, 2019
Data practices: Making up a European people
E Ruppert, S Scheel
Goldsmiths Press, 2021
Driving the digital value network: Economic geographies of global platform capitalism
K Howson, F Ferrari, F Ustek‐Spilda, N Salem, H Johnston, S Katta, ...
Global Networks 22 (4), 631-648, 2022
‘Just because you don't see your boss, doesn't mean you don't have a boss’: Covid-19 and Gig Worker Strikes across Latin America
K Howson, F Ustek-Spilda, R Grohmann, N Salem, R Carelli, D Abs, ...
International Union Rights 27 (3), 20-28, 2020
Unpaid labour and territorial extraction in digital value networks
K Howson, H Johnston, M Cole, F Ferrari, F Ustek‐Spilda, M Graham
Global Networks 23 (4), 732-754, 2023
Stripping back the mask: Working conditions on digital labour platforms during the COVID‐19 pandemic
K Howson, F Ustek‐spilda, A Bertolini, R Heeks, F Ferrari, S Katta, M Cole, ...
International labour review 161 (3), 413-440, 2022
The poverty of ethical AI: impact sourcing and AI supply chains
J Muldoon, C Cant, M Graham, F Ustek Spilda
AI & SOCIETY, 1-15, 2023
Engaging with ethics in Internet of Things: Imaginaries in the social milieu of technology developers
F Ustek-Spilda, A Powell, S Nemorin
Big Data & Society 6 (2), 2053951719879468, 2019
Addressing ethical gaps in ‘Technology for Good’: Foregrounding care and capabilities
AB Powell, F Ustek-Spilda, S Lehuedé, I Shklovski
Big Data & Society 9 (2), 20539517221113774, 2022
Politics by automatic means? A critique of artificial intelligence ethics at work
M Cole, C Cant, F Ustek Spilda, M Graham
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 869114, 2022
Statisticians as back-office policy-makers: Counting asylum-seekers and refugees in Europe
F Ustek-Spilda
Science, Technology, & Human Values 45 (2), 289-316, 2020
Transcending methodological nationalism through a transversal method? On the stakes and challenges of collaboration
S Scheel, B Cakici, F Grommé, E Ruppert, V Takala, F Ustek
ARITHMUS Working Paper Series, 2016
Citizen data and trust in official statistics
E Ruppert, F Grommé, F Ustek-Spilda, B Cakici
Economie et Statistique/Economics and Statistics, 171, 2018
Software-sorted exclusion of asylum seekers in Norway and Finland
F Ustek-Spilda, M Alastalo
Global Perspectives 1 (1), 12978, 2020
A twitter-based study of the European Internet of Things
F Ustek-Spilda, D Vega, M Magnani, L Rossi, I Shklovski, S Lehuede, ...
Information Systems Frontiers 23, 135-149, 2021
Is anonymity dead?
FU Spilda, K Howson, H Johnston, A Bertolini, P Feuerstein, ...
Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation 16 (1), 72-87, 2022
Doing a transversal method: developing an ethics of care in a collaborative research project
S Scheel, F Grommé, E Ruppert, F USTEK‐SPILDA, B Cakici, V Takala
Global Networks 20 (3), 522-543, 2020
Why Big Data cannot fix migration statistics
S Scheel, F Ustek-Spilda
Refugees Deeply 5, 2018
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Artikel 1–20