Felix Krieglstein
Felix Krieglstein
Psychologie digitaler Lernmedien, Institut für Medienforschung, TU Chemnitz
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A Systematic Meta-analysis of the Reliability and Validity of Subjective Cognitive Load Questionnaires in Experimental Multimedia Learning Research
F Krieglstein, M Beege, GD Rey, P Ginns, M Krell, S Schneider
Educational Psychology Review 34 (4), 2485-2541, 2022
The impact of video lecturers’ nonverbal communication on learning–An experiment on gestures and facial expressions of pedagogical agents
S Schneider, F Krieglstein, M Beege, GD Rey
Computers & Education 176, 104350, 2022
Development and validation of a theory-based questionnaire to measure different types of cognitive load
F Krieglstein, M Beege, GD Rey, C Sanchez-Stockhammer, S Schneider
Educational Psychology Review 35 (1), 9, 2023
How instructors influence learning with instructional videos-The importance of professional appearance and communication
M Beege, F Krieglstein, C Arnold
Computers & Education 185, 104531, 2022
How the design and complexity of concept maps influence cognitive learning processes
F Krieglstein, S Schneider, M Beege, GD Rey
Educational technology research and development 70 (1), 99-118, 2022
Successful learning with whiteboard animations – A question of their procedural character or narrative embedding?
S Schneider, F Krieglstein, M Beege, GD Rey
Heliyon 9 (2), e13229, 2023
Exploring the effects of content-related segmentations and metacognitive prompts on learning with whiteboard animations
F Krieglstein, S Schneider, J Gröninger, M Beege, S Nebel, L Wesenberg, ...
Computers & Education 194, 104702, 2023
How organization highlighting through signaling, spatial contiguity and segmenting can influence learning with concept maps
S Schneider, F Krieglstein, M Beege, GD Rey
Computers and Education Open 2, 100040, 2021
Is There a (Dis-) Fluency Effect in Learning With Handwritten Instructional Texts? Evidence From Three Studies
M Beege, F Krieglstein, S Schneider, S Nebel, GD Rey
Frontiers in Education 6, 2021
How to insert visual information into a whiteboard animation with a human hand? Effects of different insertion styles on learning
F Krieglstein, F Meusel, E Rothenstein, N Scheller, L Wesenberg, GD Rey
Smart Learning Environments 10 (1), 39, 2023
The influence of the order and congruency of correct and erroneous worked examples on learning and (meta-) cognitive load
L Wesenberg, F Krieglstein, S Jansen, GD Rey, M Beege, S Schneider
Frontiers in Psychology, 6726, 2022
The effects of counterattitudinal seductive details on learning
L Wesenberg, F Schmidt, S Schwintek, S Jansen, F Krieglstein, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 116, 102567, 2024
How to Help Students Make Informed Assessments of Cognitive Load: Examining the Role of Training Interventions
F Krieglstein, M Schmitz, L Wesenberg, GD Rey
Applied Cognitive Psychology 38 (5), e4247, 2024
Does the first impression matter? Inconclusive evidence favoring anchoring effects in cognitive load assessment
F Krieglstein, M Schmitz, L Wesenberg, MWH Spitzer, GD Rey
Exploring Fonts as Retrieval Cues in Text-Based Learning
F Krieglstein, S Jansen, F Meusel, N Scheller, M Schmitz, L Wesenberg, ...
Available at SSRN 4885185, 2024
Building an appropriate level of trust with conversational agents as team partners for learning
K Jahn, F Krieglstein, LL Chuang, GD Rey
TU Ilmenau, 2023
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