Daniel J. Reck
Cited by
Cited by
Explaining shared micromobility usage, competition and mode choice by modelling empirical data from Zurich, Switzerland
DJ Reck, H Haitao, S Guidon, KW Axhausen
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 124, 102947, 2021
Who uses shared micro-mobility services? Empirical evidence from Zurich, Switzerland
DJ Reck, KW Axhausen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 94, 102803, 2021
Mode choice, substitution patterns and environmental impacts of shared and personal micro-mobility
DJ Reck, H Martin, KW Axhausen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 102, 103134, 2022
Mobility as a Service and private car use: evidence from the Sydney MaaS trial
DA Hensher, CQ Ho, DJ Reck
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 145, 17-33, 2021
MaaS Bundle Design
DJ Reck, DA Hensher, CQ Ho
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 141, 485-501, 2020
Drivers of participant’s choices of monthly mobility bundles: Key behavioural findings from the Sydney Mobility as a Service (MaaS) trial
CQ Ho, DA Hensher, DJ Reck
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 124, 102932, 2021
MaaS bundle design and implementation: Lessons from the Sydney MaaS trial
CQ Ho, DA Hensher, DJ Reck, S Lorimer, I Lu
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 149, 339-376, 2021
Expanding a(n) (electric) bicycle-sharing system to a new city: Prediction of demand with spatial regression and random forests
S Guidon, DJ Reck, KW Axhausen
Journal of Transport Geography 84, 102692, 2020
Subsidized ridesourcing for the first/last mile: How valuable for whom?
DJ Reck, KW Axhausen
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 20 (4), 59-77, 2020
How much of which mode? Using revealed preference data to design mobility as a service plans
DJ Reck, KW Axhausen
Transportation Research Record 2674 (7), 494-503, 2020
Shared micromobility in Zurich, Switzerland: Analysing usage, competition and mode choice
DJ Reck, S Guidon, H Haitao, KW Axhausen
20th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2020)(Virtual), 66, 2020
How does transport supply and mobility behaviour impact preferences for MaaS bundles? A multi-city approach
K Krauss, DJ Reck, KW Axhausen
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 147, 104013, 2023
Modelling shared e-scooters in Louisville, Kentucky: A spatial regression approach
DJ Reck, S Guidon, KW Axhausen
99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2020
Multimodal transportation plans: Empirical evidence on uptake, usage and behavioral implications from the Augsburg MaaS trial
DJ Reck, KW Axhausen
100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2021
Graph-based mobility profiling
H Martin, N Wiedemann, DJ Reck, M Raubal
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 100, 101910, 2023
Conserved quantities in human mobility: From locations to trips
Y Hong, H Martin, Y Xin, D Bucher, DJ Reck, KW Axhausen, M Raubal
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 146, 103979, 2023
The Sydney Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Trial
DA Hensher, CQ Ho, DJ Reck, G Smith, S Lorimer, I Lu
Design, Implementation, Lessons and the Future. Report, The University of …, 2020
Modelling travel behaviour with shared micro-mobility services and exploring their environmental implications
DJ Reck
ETH Zurich, 2021
ETH Mobility Initiative Project MI-01-19 Empirical use and Impact analysis of MaaS: Ergebnisse
H Martin, DJ Reck, KW Axhausen, M Raubal
ETH Zurich, 2021
Using Information and Communication Technologies to facilitate mobility behaviour change and enable Mobility as a Service
H Martin, DJ Reck, M Raubal
GI_Forum Journal for Geographic Information Science 9 (1), 187-193, 2021
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Articles 1–20