Madelijn Strick
Madelijn Strick
Associate Professor, Utrecht University
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Diversifying experiences enhance cognitive flexibility
SM Ritter, RI Damian, DK Simonton, RB van Baaren, M Strick, J Derks, ...
Journal of experimental social psychology 48 (4), 961-964, 2012
Finding comfort in a joke: consolatory effects of humor through cognitive distraction.
M Strick, RW Holland, RB Van Baaren, AD Van Knippenberg
Emotion 9 (4), 574, 2009
A meta-analysis on unconscious thought effects
M Strick, A Dijksterhuis, MW Bos, A Sjoerdsma, RB Van Baaren, ...
Social Cognition 29 (6), 738-762, 2011
Humor in advertisements enhances product liking by mere association
M Strick, RB van Baaren, RW Holland, A van Knippenberg
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 1, 16-31, 2011
Good morning creativity: task reactivation during sleep enhances beneficial effect of sleep on creative performance
SM Ritter, M Strick, MW Bos, RB Van Baaren, AP Dijksterhuis
Journal of sleep research 21 (6), 643-647, 2012
Those who laugh are defenseless: How humor breaks resistance to influence.
M Strick, RW Holland, RB van Baaren, A Van Knippenberg
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 18 (2), 213, 2012
Humor in the eye tracker: Attention capture and distraction from context cues
M Strick, RW Holland, R Van Baaren, A Van Knippenberg
The Journal of General Psychology: Experimental, Psychological, and …, 2009
Unconscious-thought effects take place off-line, not on-line
M Strick, A Dijksterhuis, RB Van Baaren
Psychological Science 21 (4), 484-488, 2010
A case for thinking without consciousness
A Dijksterhuis, M Strick
Perspectives on Psychological Science 11 (1), 117-132, 2016
Seductive eyes: Attractiveness and direct gaze increase desire for associated objects
M Strick, RW Holland, A van Knippenberg
Cognition 106 (3), 1487-1496, 2008
Striking the right chord: Moving music increases psychological transportation and behavioral intentions.
M Strick, HL de Bruin, LC de Ruiter, W Jonkers
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 21 (1), 57, 2015
Humour in advertising: An associative processing model
M Strick, RW Holland, RB Van Baaren, A Van Knippenberg, A Dijksterhuis
European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 24, 32-69, 2017
Moral dilemmas and trust in leaders during a global health crisis
JAC Everett, C Colombatto, E Awad, P Boggio, B Bos, WJ Brady, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (8), 1074-1088, 2021
Zen meditation and access to information in the unconscious
M Strick, THJ van Noorden, RR Ritskes, JR de Ruiter, A Dijksterhuis
Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3), 1476-1481, 2012
Exploring memory for product names advertised with humour
J Hansen, M Strick, RB Van Baaren, M Hooghuis, DHJ Wigboldus
Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review 8 (2‐3), 135-148, 2009
Against the odds: Human values arising in unfavourable circumstances elicit the feeling of being moved
M Strick, J Van Soolingen
Cognition and Emotion 32 (6), 1231-1246, 2018
The puzzle of joking: Disentangling the cognitive and affective components of humorous distraction
M Strick, RW Holland, RB Van Baaren, AD Van Knippenberg
European Journal of Social Psychology 40 (1), 43-51, 2010
A brief mindfulness exercise promotes the correspondence between the implicit affiliation motive and goal setting
M Strick, EK Papies
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43 (5), 623-637, 2017
Funny and meaningful: media messages that are humorous and moving provide optimal consolation in corona times
M Strick
Humor 34 (2), 155-176, 2021
Filling a missing link: the influence of portrayals of older characters in television commercials on the memory performance of older adults
GJ Westerhof, K Harink, M Van Selm, M Strick, R Van Baaren
Ageing & Society 30 (5), 897-912, 2010
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