Barbara Keller
Barbara Keller
Professor (Full) DHBW Stuttgart, Germany
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Digitization–perspectives for conceptualization
R Schmidt, A Zimmermann, M Möhring, S Nurcan, B Keller, F Bär
European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, 263-275, 2015
Value creation in connectionist artificial intelligence–a research agenda
R Schmidt, A Zimmermann, M Möhring, B Keller
AMCIS 2020 proceedings-Advancings in information systems research: August 10 …, 2020
Google popular times: towards a better understanding of tourist customer patronage behavior
M Möhring, B Keller, R Schmidt, S Dacko
Tourism Review, 2020
Augmented reality in the travel industry: a perspective how modern technology can fit consumer’s needs in the service industry
B Keller, M Möhring, R Schmidt
Naples Forum on Services, 2015
Predictive maintenance information systems: the underlying conditions and technological aspects
M Möhring, R Schmidt, B Keller, K Sandkuhl, A Zimmermann
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS) 16 (2), 22-37, 2020
Digital enterprise architecture management in tourism–state of the art and future directions
R Schmidt, M Möhring, B Keller, A Zimmermann, M Toni, L Di Pietro
International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies, 93-102, 2017
Benefits from using Bitcoin: empirical evidence from a European country
R Schmidt, M Möhring, D Glück, R Haerting, B Keller, C Reichstein
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and …, 2016
Data-centered platforms in tourism: Advantages and challenges for digital enterprise architecture
B Keller, M Möhring, M Toni, L Di Pietro, R Schmidt
International conference on business information systems, 299-310, 2016
Digitalization and enterprise architecture management: a perspective on benefits and challenges
M Möhring, B Keller, R Schmidt, K Sandkuhl, A Zimmermann
SN Business & Economics 3 (2), 46, 2023
What drives users to use CRM in a public cloud environment?-insights from European experts
RC Härting, M Moehring, R Schmidt, C Reichstein, B Keller
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 3999-4008, 2016
Advancing beyond technicism when managing big data in companies’ decision-making
F Caputo, B Keller, M Möhring, L Carrubbo, R Schmidt
Journal of Knowledge Management, 2023
Empirical Insights in the Current Development of Smart Contracts.
M Möhring, B Keller, R Schmidt, AL Rippin, J Schulz, K Brückner
PACIS, 146, 2018
Customer Relationship Management in a Public Cloud environment–Key influencing factors for European enterprises
R Schmidt, M Möhring, B Keller
Insights into advanced dynamic pricing systems at hotel booking platforms
M Möhring, B Keller, R Schmidt
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2019, 265-277, 2019
Using smart edge devices to integrate consumers into digitized processes: the case of amazon dash-button
M Möhring, B Keller, R Schmidt, L Pietzsch, L Karich, C Berhalter, K Kilian
International Conference on Business Process Management, 374-383, 2017
Empirical Insights into the Challenges of Implementing Digital Twins
M Möhring, B Keller, CF Radowski, S Blessmann, V Breimhorst, ...
Human Centred Intelligent Systems, 229-239, 2022
HOTFRED: A Flexible Hotel Fake Review Detection System
M Möhring, B Keller, R Schmidt, M Gutmann, S Dacko
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021, 308-314, 2021
Dealing with fake online reviews in retailing
S Dacko, R Schmidt, M Möhring, B Keller
Retail Futures, 2020
Effectiveness of animal images in advertising
B Keller, H Gierl
Potentials of image mining for business process management
R Schmidt, M Möhring, A Zimmermann, RC Härting, B Keller
Intelligent Decision Technologies 2016, 429-440, 2016
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