Marcel Schweitzer
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient and stable Arnoldi restarts for matrix functions based on quadrature
A Frommer, S Güttel, M Schweitzer
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 35 (2), 661-683, 2014
Convergence of restarted Krylov subspace methods for Stieltjes functions of matrices
A Frommer, S Güttel, M Schweitzer
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 35 (4), 1602-1624, 2014
Low-rank updates of matrix functions
B Beckermann, D Kressner, M Schweitzer
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 39 (1), 539-565, 2018
Analysis of probing techniques for sparse approximation and trace estimation of decaying matrix functions
A Frommer, C Schimmel, M Schweitzer
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 42 (3), 1290-1318, 2021
Error bounds and estimates for Krylov subspace approximations of Stieltjes matrix functions
A Frommer, M Schweitzer
BIT Numerical Mathematics 56, 865-892, 2016
Restarting and error estimation in polynomial and extended Krylov subspace methods for the approximation of matrix functions
M Schweitzer
Universität Wuppertal, Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften …, 2016
Computing low‐rank approximations of the Fréchet derivative of a matrix function using Krylov subspace methods
P Kandolf, A Koskela, SD Relton, M Schweitzer
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 28 (6), e2401, 2021
Low-rank updates of matrix functions II: Rational Krylov methods
B Beckermann, A Cortinovis, D Kressner, M Schweitzer
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 59 (3), 1325-1347, 2021
A comparison of limited-memory Krylov methods for Stieltjes functions of Hermitian matrices
S Güttel, M Schweitzer
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 42 (1), 83-107, 2021
Randomized sketching for Krylov approximations of large-scale matrix functions
S Güttel, M Schweitzer
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 44 (3), 1073-1095, 2023
Bounds for the decay of the entries in inverses and Cauchy–Stieltjes functions of certain sparse, normal matrices
A Frommer, C Schimmel, M Schweitzer
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 25 (4), e2131, 2018
The Radau--Lanczos method for matrix functions
A Frommer, K Lund, M Schweitzer, DB Szyld
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 38 (3), 710-732, 2017
Any finite convergence curve is possible in the initial iterations of restarted FOM
M Schweitzer
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 45, 133-145, 2016
Non-Toeplitz decay bounds for inverses of Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrices
A Frommer, C Schimmel, M Schweitzer
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 48, 362-372, 2018
Sketched and truncated polynomial Krylov methods: Evaluation of matrix functions
D Palitta, M Schweitzer, V Simoncini
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, e2596, 2023
A two-sided short-recurrence extended Krylov subspace method for nonsymmetric matrices and its relation to rational moment matching
M Schweitzer
Numerical Algorithms 76, 1-31, 2017
FUNM QUAD: An implementation of a stable, quadrature-based restarted Arnoldi method for matrix functions
A Frommer, S Güttel, M Schweitzer
Tech. Rep. 14/04, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, 2014
Sensitivity of matrix function based network communicability measures: Computational methods and a priori bounds
M Schweitzer
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 44 (3), 1321-1348, 2023
Integral representations for higher-order Fréchet derivatives of matrix functions: Quadrature algorithms and new results on the level-2 condition number
M Schweitzer
Linear Algebra and its Applications 656, 247-276, 2023
Decay bounds for Bernstein functions of Hermitian matrices with applications to the fractional graph Laplacian
M Schweitzer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.06135, 2021
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Articles 1–20