C. Roos
Cited by
Cited by
Theory and Algorithms for Linear Optimization, An interior point approach
C Roos
Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization/John …, 1997
On implementing a primal-dual interior-point method for conic quadratic optimization
ED Andersen, C Roos, T Terlaky
Mathematical Programming 95, 249-277, 2003
Self-regularity: a new paradigm for primal-dual interior-point algorithms
J Peng, C Roos, T Terlaky
Princeton University Press, 2009
A comparative study of kernel functions for primal-dual interior-point algorithms in linear optimization
YQ Bai, M El Ghami, C Roos
SIAM Journal on Optimization 15 (1), 101-128, 2004
Interior point methods for linear optimization
C Roos, T Terlaky, JP Vial
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Self-regular functions and new search directions for linear and semidefinite optimization
J Peng, C Roos, T Terlaky
Mathematical Programming 93 (1), 129-171, 2002
Robust solutions of uncertain quadratic and conic-quadratic problems
A Ben-Tal, A Nemirovski, C Roos
SIAM Journal on Optimization 13 (2), 535-560, 2002
On copositive programming and standard quadratic optimization problems
IM Bomze, M Dür, E De Klerk, C Roos, AJ Quist, T Terlaky
Journal of Global Optimization 18, 301-320, 2000
On maximization of quadratic form over intersection of ellipsoids with common center
A Nemirovski, C Roos, T Terlaky
Mathematical programming 86 (3), 463-473, 1999
Sensitivity analysis in linear programming: just be careful!
B Jansen, JJ De Jong, C Roos, T Terlaky
European Journal of Operational Research 101 (1), 15-28, 1997
A full-Newton step O (n) infeasible interior-point algorithm for linear optimization
C Roos
SIAM Journal on Optimization 16 (4), 1110-1136, 2006
A new efficient large-update primal-dual interior-point method based on a finite barrier
YQ Bai, M El Ghami, C Roos
SIAM Journal on Optimization 13 (3), 766-782, 2002
A polynomial method of approximate centers for linear programming
C Roos, JP Vial
Mathematical Programming 54, 295-305, 1992
A new lower bound for the minimum distance of a cyclic code
C Roos
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29 (3), 330-332, 1983
On the convergence of the central path in semidefinite optimization
M Halická, E de Klerk, C Roos
SIAM Journal on Optimization 12 (4), 1090-1099, 2002
Cramer and Cayley-Hamilton in the max algebra
GJ Olsder, C Roos
Linear Algebra and its Applications 101, 87-108, 1988
Initialization in semidefinite programming via a self-dual skew-symmetric embedding
E de Klerk, C Roos, T Terlaky
Operations Research Letters 20 (5), 213-221, 1997
On the classical logarithmic barrier function method for a class of smooth convex programming problems
D Den Hertog, C Roos, T Terlaky
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 73 (1), 1-25, 1992
A survey of search directions in interior point methods for linear programming
D den Hertog, C Roos
Mathematical Programming 52, 481-509, 1991
A new and efficient large-update interior-point method for linear optimization
J Peng, C Roos, T Terlaky
Вычислительные технологии 6 (4), 2001
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Articles 1–20