Oliver Gaede
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Cited by
Comparison between analytical and 3D finite element solutions for borehole stresses in anisotropic elastic rock
O Gaede, F Karpfinger, J Jocker, R Prioul
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 51, 53-63, 2012
Multiscale coupling and multiphysics approaches in earth sciences: Theory
K Regenauer-Lieb, M Veveakis, T Poulet, F Wellmann, A Karrech, J Liu, ...
Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics 1 (1), 49-73, 2013
Improved estimates of percolation and anisotropic permeability from 3‐DX‐ray microtomography using stochastic analyses and visualization
J Liu, K Regenauer‐Lieb, C Hines, K Liu, O Gaede, A Squelch
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10 (5), 2009
Multiscale coupling and multiphysics approaches in earth sciences: Applications
K Regenauer-Lieb, M Veveakis, T Poulet, F Wellmann, A Karrech, J Liu, ...
Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics 1 (3), 281-323, 2013
Anisotropic damage mechanics as a novel approach to improve pre-and post-failure borehole stability analysis
O Gaede, A Karrech, K Regenauer-Lieb
Geophysical Journal International 193 (3), 1095-1109, 2013
Deformation with coupled chemical diffusion
K Regenauer-Lieb, B Hobbs, A Ord, O Gaede, R Vernon
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 172 (1-2), 43-54, 2009
Revisiting borehole stresses in anisotropic elastic media: comparison of analytical versus numerical solutions
F Karpfinger, R Prioul, O Gaede, J Jocker
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-11-273, 2011
Cross-Diffusion Waves as a trigger for multiscale, multiphysics Instabilities: Application to earthquakes
K Regenauer-Lieb, M Hu, C Schrank, X Chen, SP Clavijo, U Kelka, ...
Solid Earth Discussions 2020, 1-44, 2020
Deep geothermal: The ‘Moon Landing’mission in the unconventional energy and minerals space
K Regenauer-Lieb, A Bunger, HT Chua, A Dyskin, F Fusseis, O Gaede, ...
Journal of Earth Science 26, 2-10, 2015
Entropic bounds for multi-scale and multi-physics coupling in earth sciences
K Regenauer-Lieb, A Karrech, HT Chua, T Poulet, M Veveakis, ...
Beyond the second law: Entropy production and non-equilibrium systems, 323-335, 2014
A Strain-Based Failure Criterion for Pillar Stability Analysis
O Gaede, C Schrank, I Canbulat, A Karrech
AusRock 2014: Third Australasian Ground Control in Mining Conference, 393 - 398, 2014
Fast in-situ X-ray scattering reveals stress sensitivity of gypsum dehydration kinetics
CE Schrank, O Gaede, T Blach, KCM Gioseffi, S Mudie, N Kirby, ...
Communications Materials 2 (1), 51, 2021
Well-log-constrained porosity and permeability distribution in the Springbok Sandstone, Surat Basin, Australia
O Gaede, M Levy, D Murphy, L Jenkinson, T Flottmann
Hydrogeology journal 28 (1), 103-124, 2020
Tracking metamorphic dehydration reactions in real time with transmission small-and wide-angle synchrotron X-ray scattering: the case of gypsum dehydration
CE Schrank, K Gioseffi, T Blach, O Gaede, A Hawley, H Milsch, ...
Journal of Petrology 61 (6), egaa041, 2020
First steps towards modeling a multi-scale Earth system
H Xing, K Regenauer-Lieb, T Poulet, D Siret, F Fusseis, J Liu, K Gessner, ...
Advances in Geocomputing, 1-25, 2009
Stimulating granites: from synchrotron microtomography to enhancing reservoirs
K Regenauer-Lieb, M Veveakis, T Poulet, F Wellmann, F Fusseis, ...
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, 2015
BSDWormer; an open source implementation of a Poisson wavelet multiscale analysis for potential fields
FG Horowitz, O Gaede
2014 Fall Meeting, 2014
Active learning in the time of the pandemic: Report from the eye of the storm
I Czaplinski, C Devine, M Sillence, A Fielding, O Gaede, C Schrank
ASCILITE 2020: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary …, 2020
Identification of clay minerals within the Springbok formation, Surat Basin
M Levy, O Gaede
ASEG Extended Abstracts 2018 (1), 1-8, 2018
Deciphering a cryptic unconformity in the Surat Basin using high frequency detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology: Insights into basin dynamics on the north-east margin of Gondwana
P Asmussen, B Pidgeon, O Gaede, D Gust, T Flottmann
Gondwana Research 118, 117-134, 2023
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Articles 1–20