Maria Klodt
Maria Klodt
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Continuous global optimization in multiview 3d reconstruction
K Kolev, M Klodt, T Brox, D Cremers
International Journal of Computer Vision 84, 80-96, 2009
Supervising the new with the old: learning sfm from sfm
M Klodt, A Vedaldi
Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 698-713, 2018
A real-time visual attention system using integral images
S Frintrop, M Klodt, E Rome
International Conference on Computer Vision Systems: Proceedings, 2007
An experimental comparison of discrete and continuous shape optimization methods
M Klodt, T Schoenemann, K Kolev, M Schikora, D Cremers
Computer Vision–ECCV 2008: 10th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2008
Field phenotyping of grapevine growth using dense stereo reconstruction
M Klodt, K Herzog, R Töpfer, D Cremers
BMC bioinformatics 16, 1-11, 2015
A convex framework for image segmentation with moment constraints
M Klodt, D Cremers
2011 International Conference on Computer Vision, 2236-2243, 2011
Automatic image‐based determination of pruning mass as a determinant for yield potential in grapevine management and breeding
A Kicherer, M Klodt, S Sharifzadeh, D Cremers, R Töpfer, K Herzog
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 23 (1), 120-124, 2017
Continuous global optimization in multiview 3d reconstruction
K Kolev, M Klodt, T Brox, S Esedoglu, D Cremers
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 6th …, 2007
High-resolution plant shape measurements from multi-view stereo reconstruction
M Klodt, D Cremers
Computer Vision-ECCV 2014 Workshops: Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-7 and …, 2015
GPU-accelerated affordance cueing based on visual attention
S May, M Klodt, E Rome, R Breithaupt
2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2007
Propagated photoconsistency and convexity in variational multiview 3d reconstruction
K Kolev, M Klodt, T Brox, D Cremers
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Photometric Analysis For …, 2007
Moment constraints in convex optimization for segmentation and tracking
M Klodt, F Steinbrücker, D Cremers
Advanced Topics in Computer Vision, 215-242, 2013
3D image reconstruction from X-ray measurements with overlap
M Klodt, R Hauser
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Scale-aware object tracking with convex shape constraints on RGB-D images
M Klodt, J Sturm, D Cremers
Pattern Recognition: 35th German Conference, GCPR 2013, Saarbrücken, Germany …, 2013
Method and system for reconstructing 3-dimensional images from spatially and temporally overlapping x-rays
R Hauser, M Klodt, G Travish, P Betteridge
US Patent 10,692,219, 2020
Method and system for reconstructing 3-dimensional images from spatially and temporally overlapping x-rays
R Hauser, M Klodt, G Travish, P Betteridge
US Patent App. 15/231,039, 2018
Nonlinear compressed sensing for multi-emitter X-ray imaging
M Klodt, R Hauser
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 11th …, 2018
A medical imaging system for producing a digital 3-dimensional image from measurements with overlap on a single fixed array of X-ray detectors, emitted from multiple X-ray sources
R Hauser, M Klodt, G Travish, P Betteridge
World Intellectual Property Organization, 2018
Convex Relaxation Methods for Image Segmentation and Stereo Reconstruction
M Klodt
Technische Universität München, 2014
A real-time visual attention system using integral images
M Klodt, S Frintrop, E Rome
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Articles 1–20