Pamela Morris-Perez
Pamela Morris-Perez
Sonstige NamenPamela Morris
Professor of Applied Psychology, New York University
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The bioecological model of human development
U Bronfenbrenner, PA Morris
Handbook of child psychology 1, 2007
The ecology of developmental processes
U Bronfenbrenner
Handbook of child psychology 1, 1998
A ecologia do desenvolvimento humano
U Bronfenbrenner, PA MORRIS
Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas, 1996
Long-term effects of home visitation on maternal life course and child abuse and neglect: Fifteen-year follow-up of a randomized trial
DL Olds, J Eckenrode, CR Henderson, H Kitzman, J Powers, R Cole, ...
Jama 278 (8), 637-643, 1997
Long-term effects of nurse home visitation on children's criminal and antisocial behavior: 15-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial
D Olds, CR Henderson Jr, R Cole, J Eckenrode, H Kitzman, D Luckey, ...
Jama 280 (14), 1238-1244, 1998
Handbook of child psychology
U Bronfenbrenner, PA Morris, W Damon, RM Lerner
Theoretical models of human development 1, 993-1028, 1998
Descriptive Analysis in Education: A Guide for Researchers. NCEE 2017-4023.
S Loeb, S Dynarski, D McFarland, P Morris, S Reardon, S Reber
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2017
Does money really matter? Estimating impacts of family income on young children's achievement with data from random-assignment experiments.
GJ Duncan, PA Morris, C Rodrigues
Developmental psychology 47 (5), 1263, 2011
Allostasis and the human brain: Integrating models of stress from the social and life sciences.
BL Ganzel, PA Morris, E Wethington
Psychological review 117 (1), 134, 2010
The relationship between maternal education and children's academic outcomes: A theoretical framework
JF Harding, PA Morris, D Hughes
Journal of Marriage and Family 77 (1), 60-76, 2015
The state of Americans: This generation and the next
U Bronfenbrenner
Simon and Schuster, 1996
How welfare and work policies affect children: A synthesis of research.
PA Morris, AC Huston, GJ Duncan, DA Crosby, JM Bos
Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, 16 East 34 Street, New York, NY …, 2001
The role of classroom-level child behavior problems in predicting preschool teacher stress and classroom emotional climate
AH Friedman-Krauss, CC Raver, PA Morris, SM Jones
Early Education and Development 25 (4), 530-552, 2014
Theoretical models of human development
U Bronfenbrenner, PA Morris, RM Lerner
Handbook of child psychology 1, 993-1028, 1998
Impact findings from the Head Start CARES demonstration: National evaluation of three approaches to improving preschoolers’ social and emotional competence
P Morris, S Mattera, N Castells, M Bangser, K Bierman, CC Raver
Available at SSRN 2477974, 2014
Child well-being in an era of welfare reform: the sensitivity of transitions in development to policy change.
P Morris, GJ Duncan, E Clark-Kauffman
Developmental psychology 41 (6), 919, 2005
Making work pay: Final report on the Self Sufficiency Project for long-term welfare recipients
C Michalopoulos, D Tattrie, C Miller, PK Robins, P Morris, D Gyarmati, ...
Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC), 2002
Identifying the effects of income on children's development using experimental data
PA Morris, LA Gennetian
Journal of Marriage and Family 65 (3), 716-729, 2003
From statistical associations to causation: what developmentalists can learn from instrumental variables techniques coupled with experimental data.
LA Gennetian, K Magnuson, PA Morris
Developmental psychology 44 (2), 381, 2008
The consequences of income instability for children's well‐being
HD Hill, P Morris, LA Gennetian, S Wolf, C Tubbs
Child Development Perspectives 7 (2), 85-90, 2013
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