Matthias Bode
Matthias Bode
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Chiral magnetic order at surfaces driven by inversion asymmetry
M Bode, M Heide, K Von Bergmann, P Ferriani, S Heinze, G Bihlmayer, ...
nature 447 (7141), 190-193, 2007
Direct observation of internal spin structure of magnetic vortex cores
A Wachowiak, J Wiebe, M Bode, O Pietzsch, M Morgenstern, ...
science 298 (5593), 577-580, 2002
Spin-polarized scanning tunnelling microscopy
M Bode
Reports on Progress in Physics 66 (4), 523, 2003
Real-space imaging of two-dimensional antiferromagnetism on the atomic scale
S Heinze, M Bode, A Kubetzka, O Pietzsch, X Nie, S Blugel, ...
Science 288 (5472), 1805-1808, 2000
Atomic-scale spin spiral with a unique rotational sense: Mn monolayer on W (001)
P Ferriani, K Von Bergmann, EY Vedmedenko, S Heinze, M Bode, ...
Physical review letters 101 (2), 027201, 2008
Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy with antiferromagnetic probe tips
A Kubetzka, M Bode, O Pietzsch, R Wiesendanger
Physical review letters 88 (5), 057201, 2002
Spin-polarized vacuum tunneling into the exchange-split surface state of Gd (0001)
M Bode, M Getzlaff, R Wiesendanger
Physical Review Letters 81 (19), 4256, 1998
Real-space observation of dipolar antiferromagnetism in magnetic nanowires by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy
O Pietzsch, A Kubetzka, M Bode, R Wiesendanger
Physical review letters 84 (22), 5212, 2000
Spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy of nanoscale cobalt islands on Cu (111)
O Pietzsch, A Kubetzka, M Bode, R Wiesendanger
Physical Review Letters 92 (5), 057202, 2004
Patterning graphene at the nanometer scale via hydrogen desorption
P Sessi, JR Guest, M Bode, NP Guisinger
Nano letters 9 (12), 4343-4347, 2009
Atomic-scale magnetic domain walls in quasi-one-dimensional Fe nanostripes
M Pratzer, HJ Elmers, M Bode, O Pietzsch, A Kubetzka, R Wiesendanger
Physical Review Letters 87 (12), 127201, 2001
Current-induced magnetization switching with a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope
S Krause, L Berbil-Bautista, G Herzog, M Bode, R Wiesendanger
Science 317 (5844), 1537-1540, 2007
Atomic spin structure of antiferromagnetic domain walls
M Bode, EY Vedmedenko, K Von Bergmann, A Kubetzka, P Ferriani, ...
Nature materials 5 (6), 477-481, 2006
Revealing antiferromagnetic order of the Fe monolayer on W (001): Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles calculations
A Kubetzka, P Ferriani, M Bode, S Heinze, G Bihlmayer, K Von Bergmann, ...
Physical review letters 94 (8), 087204, 2005
Topology-induced spin frustrations at the Cr (001) surface studied by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy
M Kleiber, M Bode, R Ravlić, R Wiesendanger
Physical review letters 85 (21), 4606, 2000
Magnetization-Direction-Dependent Local Electronic Structure Probed<? format?> by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
M Bode, S Heinze, A Kubetzka, O Pietzsch, X Nie, G Bihlmayer, S Blügel, ...
Physical review letters 89 (23), 237205, 2002
Observation of magnetic hysteresis at the nanometer scale by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy
O Pietzsch, A Kubetzka, M Bode, R Wiesendanger
Science 292 (5524), 2053-2056, 2001
Observation of a complex nanoscale magnetic structure in a hexagonal Fe monolayer
K Von Bergmann, S Heinze, M Bode, EY Vedmedenko, G Bihlmayer, ...
Physical review letters 96 (16), 167203, 2006
Magnetization reversal of nanoscale islands: How size and shape affect the Arrhenius prefactor
S Krause, G Herzog, T Stapelfeldt, L Berbil-Bautista, M Bode, ...
Physical review letters 103 (12), 127202, 2009
Surface and size effects on the electrical properties of Cu nanowires
Q Huang, CM Lilley, M Bode, R Divan
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2), 2008
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