Konstantin Aizikov
Konstantin Aizikov
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Middle-down analysis of monoclonal antibodies with electron transfer dissociation orbitrap fourier transform mass spectrometry
L Fornelli, D Ayoub, K Aizikov, A Beck, YO Tsybin
Analytical chemistry 86 (6), 3005-3012, 2014
Analysis of intact monoclonal antibody IgG1 by electron transfer dissociation Orbitrap FTMS
L Fornelli, E Damoc, PM Thomas, NL Kelleher, K Aizikov, E Denisov, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11 (12), 1758-1767, 2012
GlycReSoft: a software package for automated recognition of glycans from LC/MS data
E Maxwell, Y Tan, Y Tan, H Hu, G Benson, K Aizikov, S Conley, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45474, 2012
Top-down analysis of immunoglobulin G isotypes 1 and 2 with electron transfer dissociation on a high-field Orbitrap mass spectrometer
L Fornelli, D Ayoub, K Aizikov, X Liu, E Damoc, PA Pevzner, A Makarov, ...
Journal of proteomics 159, 67-76, 2017
Multiplexed middle-down mass spectrometry as a method for revealing light and heavy chain connectivity in a monoclonal antibody
K Srzentić, KO Nagornov, L Fornelli, AA Lobas, D Ayoub, AN Kozhinov, ...
Analytical chemistry 90 (21), 12527-12535, 2018
Use of the filter diagonalization method in the study of space charge related frequency modulation in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
K Aizikov, PB O’Connor
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 17 (6), 836-843, 2006
Phase-constrained spectrum deconvolution for Fourier transform mass spectrometry
D Grinfeld, K Aizikov, A Kreutzmann, E Damoc, A Makarov
Analytical chemistry 89 (2), 1202-1211, 2017
Determination of collision cross-sections of protein ions in an orbitrap mass analyzer
JD Sanders, D Grinfeld, K Aizikov, A Makarov, DD Holden, JS Brodbelt
Analytical chemistry 90 (9), 5896-5902, 2018
The spontaneous loss of coherence catastrophe in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
K Aizikov, R Mathur, PB O’connor
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 20 (2), 247-256, 2009
Limits for resolving isobaric tandem mass tag reporter ions using phase-constrained spectrum deconvolution
CD Kelstrup, K Aizikov, TS Batth, A Kreutzman, D Grinfeld, O Lange, ...
Journal of proteome research 17 (11), 4008-4016, 2018
Frequency chasing of individual megadalton ions in an Orbitrap analyser improves precision of analysis in single-molecule mass spectrometry
TP Wörner, K Aizikov, J Snijder, KL Fort, AA Makarov, AJR Heck
Nature chemistry 14 (5), 515-522, 2022
Exploring the potential of electrospray-orbitrap for stable isotope analysis using nitrate as a model
A Hilkert, JK Bohlke, SJ Mroczkowski, KL Fort, K Aizikov, XT Wang, ...
Analytical Chemistry 93 (26), 9139-9148, 2021
An external matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization source for flexible FT-ICR mass spectrometry imaging with internal calibration on adjacent samples
DF Smith, K Aizikov, MC Duursma, F Giskes, DJ Spaanderman, ...
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 22 (1), 130-137, 2011
Analysis of phase dependent frequency shifts in simulated FTMS transients using the filter diagonalization method
FE Leach III, A Kharchenko, G Vladimirov, K Aizikov, PB O’Connor, ...
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 325, 19-24, 2012
Fundamentals of Orbitrap analyzer
A Makarov, D Grinfeld, K Ayzikov
Fundamentals and Applications of Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry, 37-61, 2019
Improving the sensitivity of fourier transform mass spectrometer (orbitrap) for online measurements of atmospheric vapors
R Cai, W Huang, M Meder, F Bourgain, K Aizikov, M Riva, F Bianchi, ...
Analytical chemistry 94 (45), 15746-15753, 2022
The filter diagonalization method and its assessment for Fourier transform mass spectrometry
BR Martini, K Aizikov, VA Mandelshtam
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 373, 1-14, 2014
Advancing Orbitrap Measurements of Collision Cross Sections to Multiple Species for Broad Applications
VK James, JD Sanders, K Aizikov, KL Fort, D Grinfeld, A Makarov, ...
Analytical Chemistry 94 (45), 15613-15620, 2022
Vacuum compatible sample positioning device for matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry imaging
K Aizikov, DF Smith, DA Chargin, S Ivanov, TY Lin, R Heeren, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (5), 2011
Expanding Orbitrap Collision Cross-Section Measurements to Native Protein Applications Through Kinetic Energy and Signal Decay Analysis
VK James, JD Sanders, K Aizikov, KL Fort, D Grinfeld, A Makarov, ...
Analytical Chemistry 95 (19), 7656-7664, 2023
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