Heorhi Raik
Heorhi Raik
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Dynamic adaptation of fragment-based and context-aware business processes
A Bucchiarone, A Marconi, M Pistore, H Raik
2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services, 33-41, 2012
Adaptation of service-based business processes by context-aware replanning
A Bucchiarone, M Pistore, H Raik, R Kazhamiakin
2011 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and …, 2011
A context-aware framework for dynamic composition of process fragments in the internet of services
A Bucchiarone, A Marconi, M Pistore, H Raik
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 8, 1-23, 2017
Control flow requirements for automated service composition
P Bertoli, R Kazhamiakin, M Paolucci, M Pistore, H Raik, M Wagner
2009 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 17-24, 2009
On-the-fly adaptation of dynamic service-based systems: Incrementality, reduction and reuse
A Bucchiarone, A Marconi, CA Mezzina, M Pistore, H Raik
Service-Oriented Computing: 11th International Conference, ICSOC 2013 …, 2013
ASTRO-CAptEvo: Dynamic Context-Aware Adaptation for Service-Based Systems
H Raik, A Bucchiarone, N Khurshid, A Marconi, M Pistore
Services (SERVICES), 2012 IEEE Eighth World Congress on, 385-392, 2012
Continuous orchestration of web services via planning
P Bertoli, R Kazhamiakin, M Paolucci, M Pistore, H Raik, M Wagner
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2009
Data-flow requirements for dynamic service composition
R Kazhamiakin, A Marconi, M Pistore, H Raik
2013 IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services, 243-250, 2013
An approach for collective adaptation in socio-technical systems
A Bucchiarone, N Dulay, A Lavygina, A Marconi, H Raik, A Russo
2015 IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing …, 2015
Modelling and automated composition of user-centric services
R Kazhamiakin, M Paolucci, M Pistore, H Raik
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2010
Captevo: Context-aware adaptation and evolution of business processes
A Bucchiarone, A Marconi, M Pistore, H Raik
International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, 252-254, 2011
Collective adaptation in process-based systems
A Bucchiarone, CA Mezzina, M Pistore, H Raik, G Valetto
2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self …, 2014
A goal model for collective adaptive systems
A Bucchiarone, CA Mezzina, H Raik
2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self …, 2014
Service Composition in Dynamic Environments: From Theory to Practice
H Raik
University of Trento, Italy, 2012
A car logistics scenario for context-aware adaptive service-based systems
A Bucchiarone, N Khurshid, A Marconi, M Pistore, H Raik
2012 4th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service …, 2012
Adaptable Pervasive Flows: Towards a More Intelligent Environment
A Bucchiarone, S Foll, K Herrmann, M Pistore, H Raik
-, 2011
Revised Theory and Mechanisms for Vertical Flow Adaptation by On-demand Flow Creation, for Horizontal Flow Adaptation by Context-aware Re-planning, for Flow Evolution and for …
A Bucchiarone, A Marconi, M Pistore, H Raik
Theory and mechanisms for vertical flow adaptation by on-demand flow creation, for horizontal flow adaptation by context-aware re-planning, and for flow evolution
A Bucchiarone, M Pistore, H Raik, A Sirbu
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Artikel 1–18