Ahmed A. A. Osman
Ahmed A. A. Osman
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
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Cited by
Expressive body capture: 3d hands, face, and body from a single image
G Pavlakos, V Choutas, N Ghorbani, T Bolkart, AAA Osman, D Tzionas, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Star: Sparse trained articulated human body regressor
AAA Osman, T Bolkart, MJ Black
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
On self-contact and human pose
L Muller, AAA Osman, S Tang, CHP Huang, MJ Black
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Mental state analysis using heart rate collection based on video imagery
Y Kashef, R El Kaliouby, AA Osman, N Haering, V Bhatkar
US Patent 9,642,536, 2017
Supervised learning approach to remote heart rate estimation from facial videos
A Osman, J Turcot, R El Kaliouby
2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and …, 2015
Cloudcv: Large-scale distributed computer vision as a cloud service
H Agrawal, CS Mathialagan, Y Goyal, N Chavali, P Banik, A Mohapatra, ...
Mobile Cloud Visual Media Computing: From Interaction to Service, 265-290, 2015
Heart rate variability evaluation for mental state analysis
V Bhatkar, R El Kaliouby, Y Kashef, AA Osman
US Patent App. 14/569,691, 2015
Supr: A sparse unified part-based human representation
AAA Osman, T Bolkart, D Tzionas, MJ Black
European Conference on Computer Vision, 568-585, 2022
Mental state mood analysis using heart rate collection based on video imagery
R El Kaliouby, V Bhatkar, N Haering, Y Kashef, AA Osman
US Patent 10,517,521, 2019
Autonomous vehicle control using heart rate collection based on video imagery
R El Kaliouby, V Bhatkar, N Haering, Y Kashef, AA Osman
US Patent 11,151,610, 2021
SUPR: A Sparse Unified Part-Based Human Representation*** Supplementary Material
AAA Osman, T Bolkart, D Tzionas, MJ Black
On Self-Contact and Human Pose* Supplementary Material
L Müller, AAA Osman, S Tang, CHP Huang, M Black
Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body from a Single Image** Supplementary Material
G Pavlakos, V Choutas, N Ghorbani, T Bolkart, AAA Osman, D Tzionas, ...
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