Muhammad Hassani
Muhammad Hassani
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Probing the degree of heterogeneity within a shear band of a model glass
M Hassani, AE Lagogianni, F Varnik
Physical Review Letters 123, 195502, 2019
Long-range strain correlations in 3D quiescent glass forming liquids
M Hassani, EM Zirdehi, K Kok, P Schall, M Fuchs, F Varnik
Europhysics Letters 124 (1), 18003, 2018
Localized plastic deformation in a model metallic glass: A survey of free volume and local force distributions
M Hassani, P Engels, D Raabe, F Varnik
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 (8), 084006, 2016
Decelerated aging in metallic glasses by low temperature thermal cycling
M Bruns, M Hassani, F Varnik, A Hassanpour, S Divinski, G Wilde
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013234, 2021
Wall effects on spatial correlations of non-affine strain in a 3D model glass
M Hassani, P Engels, F Varnik
Europhysics Letters 121 (1), 18005, 2018
A crossover in spatio-temporal correlations of strain fluctuations in glass forming liquids
M Hassani, M Bruns, F Varnik
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2020 (1), 014002, 2020
Shear Banding in Amorphous Solids: from Correlations of Local Plastic Deformation to Percolating Shear Bands, A Molecular Dynamics Study
M Hassani, 2019
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