Peter Goos
Peter Goos
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Genome-wide association study identifies five new breast cancer susceptibility loci
C Turnbull, S Ahmed, J Morrison, D Pernet, A Renwick, M Maranian, ...
Nature genetics 42 (6), 504-507, 2010
Optimal design of experiments: a case study approach
P Goos, B Jones
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
A comparison of criteria to design efficient choice experiments
R Kessels, P Goos, M Vandebroek
Journal of Marketing Research 43 (3), 409-419, 2006
Historical land use change has lowered terrestrial silica mobilization
E Struyf, A Smis, S Van Damme, J Garnier, G Govers, B Van Wesemael, ...
Nature communications 1 (1), 129, 2010
The optimal design of blocked and split-plot experiments
P Goos
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Home care service planning. The case of Landelijke Thuiszorg
PAM Duque, M Castro, K Sörensen, P Goos
European journal of operational research 243 (1), 292-301, 2015
Bayesian optimal designs for discrete choice experiments with partial profiles
R Kessels, B Jones, P Goos
Journal of Choice Modelling 4 (3), 52-74, 2011
Location of logistics companies: a stated preference study to disentangle the impact of accessibility
A Verhetsel, R Kessels, P Goos, T Zijlstra, N Blomme, J Cant
Journal of transport geography 42, 110-121, 2015
I-optimal versus D-optimal split-plot response surface designs
B Jones, P Goos
Journal of Quality Technology 44 (2), 85-101, 2012
I-optimal design of mixture experiments
P Goos, B Jones, U Syafitri
Journal of the American Statistical Association 111 (514), 899-911, 2016
D-optimal split-plot designs with given numbers and sizes of whole plots
P Goos, M Vanderbroek
Technometrics 45 (3), 235-245, 2003
Models and optimal designs for conjoint choice experiments including a no-choice option
B Vermeulen, P Goos, M Vandebroek
International Journal of Research in Marketing 25 (2), 94-103, 2008
Efficient GRASP+ VND and GRASP+ VNS metaheuristics for the traveling repairman problem
A Salehipour, K Sörensen, P Goos, O Bräysy
4or 9, 189-209, 2011
Optimal split-plot designs
P Goos, M Vandebroek
Journal of Quality Technology 33 (4), 436-450, 2001
An iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls
DP Cuervo, P Goos, K Sörensen, E Arráiz
European Journal of Operational Research 237 (2), 454-464, 2014
An efficient algorithm for constructing Bayesian optimal choice designs
R Kessels, B Jones, P Goos, M Vandebroek
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 27 (2), 279-291, 2009
A Candidate-Set-Free Algorithm for Generating D-Optimal Split-Plot Designs
B Jones, P Goos
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 56 (3 …, 2007
Long‐term effect of biochar on the stabilization of recent carbon: Soils with historical inputs of charcoal
MC Hernandez‐Soriano, B Kerré, P Goos, B Hardy, J Dufey, E Smolders
Gcb Bioenergy 8 (2), 371-381, 2016
A comparison of soil tests for available phosphorus in long‐term field experiments in Europe
S Nawara, T Van Dael, R Merckx, F Amery, A Elsen, W Odeurs, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 68 (6), 873-885, 2017
The usefulness of Bayesian optimal designs for discrete choice experiments
R Kessels, B Jones, P Goos, M Vandebroek
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 27 (3), 173-188, 2011
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