Jerzy Wilde
Jerzy Wilde
Department of Poultry Science and Apiculture Warmia and Mazury University Olsztyn POLAND
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Standard methods for rearing and selection of Apis mellifera queens
R Büchler, S Andonov, K Bienefeld, C Costa, F Hatjina, N Kezic, P Kryger, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 52, 1, 2013
Miscellaneous standard methods for Apis mellifera research
H Human, R Brodschneider, V Dietemann, G Dively, JD Ellis, E Forsgren, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 52, 4, 2013
The influence of genetic origin and its interaction with environmental effects on the survival of Apis mellifera L. colonies in Europe
R Büchler, C Costa, F Hatjina, S Andonov, MD Meixner, Y Le Conte, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 53 (2), 205-214, 2014
A review of methods for discrimination of honey bee populations as applied to European beekeeping
M Bouga, C Alaux, M Bienkowska, R Büchler, N Carreck, E Cauia, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 50 (1), 51-84, 2011
Population dynamics of European honey bee genotypes under different environmental conditions
F Hatjina, C Costa, R Büchler, M Uzunov, Aleksandar, Drazic, J Filipi, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 53 (2), 233-247, 2014
Occurrence of parasites and pathogens in honey bee colonies used in a European genotype-environment interactions experiment
MD Meixner, R Mathew Francis, A Gajda, P Kryger, S Andonov, A Uzunov, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 53 (2), 215-229, 2014
Apis mellifera mellifera in eastern Europe–morphometric variation and determination of its range limits
MD Meixner, M Worobik, J Wilde, S Fuchs, N Koeniger
Apidologie 38 (2), 191-197, 2007
A review of methods used in some European countries for assessing the quality of honey bee queens through their physical characters and the performance of their colonies
F Hatjina, M Bieńkowska, L Charistos, R Chlebo, C Costa, MM Dražić, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 53 (3), 337-363, 2014
Swarming, defensive and hygienic behaviour in honey bee colonies of different genetic origin in a pan-European experiment
U Aleksandar, C Cecilia, P Beata, M Marina, K Per, H Fani, B Maria, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 53 (2), 248-260, 2014
Wosk pszczołowatych
B Bąk, M Siuda, J Wilde
Pasieka 1 (5), 56-60, 2004
A Europe-wide experiment for assessing the impact of genotype-environment interactions on the vitality and performance of honey bee colonies: experimental design and trait …
C Costa, R Büchler, S Berg, M Bienkowska, M Bouga, D Bubalo, ...
Journal of Apicultural Science 56 (1), 147-158, 2012
Summer brood interruption as integrated management strategy for effective Varroa control in Europe
R Büchler, A Uzunov, M Kovačić, J Prešern, M Pietropaoli, F Hatjina, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 59 (5), 764-773, 2020
Sperm parameters of honeybee drones exposed to imidacloprid
A Ciereszko, J Wilde, GJ Dietrich, M Siuda, B Bąk, S Judycka, H Karol
Apidologie 48, 211–222, 2017
Swarming and migration of Apis dorsata and Apis laboriosa honey bees in India, Nepal and Bhutan
Journal of Apicultural Science 56 (1), 2012
Effect of genotype and environment on parasite and pathogen levels in one apiary - a case study
R M Francis, E Amiri, MD Meixner, P Kryger, A Gajda, S Andonov, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 53 (2), 230-232, 2014
The genetic origin of honey bee colonies used in the COLOSS Genotype-Environment Interactions Experiment: a comparison of methods
RM Francis, P Kryger, M Meixner, M Bouga, E Ivanova, S Andonov, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 53 (2), 188-204, 2014
Open-air-nesting honey bees Apis dorsata and Apis laboriosa differ from the cavity-nesting Apis mellifera and Apis cerana in brood hygiene behaviour
J Woyke, J Wilde, CC Reddy
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 86 (1), 1-6, 2004
Evaluation of Suppressed Mite Reproduction (SMR) Reveals Potential for Varroa Resistance in European Honey Bees (Apis mellifera L.)
F Mondet, M Parejo, MD Meixner, C Costa, P Kryger, S Andonov, B Servin, ...
Insects 11 (9), 595, 2020
Flight activity reaction to temperature changes in Apis dorsata, Apis laboriosa and Apis mellifera
J Woyke, J Wilde, M Wilde
Journal of Apicultural Science 47 (2), 73-80, 2003
Partial reproductive isolation between European subspecies of honey bees
A Oleksa, J Wilde, A Tofilski, IJ Chybicki
Apidologie, 1-9, 2013
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