Andreas Unterweger
Andreas Unterweger
Center for Secure Energy Informatics, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
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Privacy-preserving blockchain-based electric vehicle charging with dynamic tariff decisions
F Knirsch, A Unterweger, D Engel
Computer Science-Research and Development 33 (1-2), 71-79, 2018
Implementing a blockchain from scratch: why, how, and what we learned
F Knirsch, A Unterweger, D Engel
EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2019 (2), 1-14, 2019
Resumable Load Data Compression in Smart Grids
A Unterweger, D Engel
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (2), 919-929, 2015
Bitstream-based JPEG encryption in real-time
S Auer, A Bliem, D Engel, A Uhl, A Unterweger
International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF) 5 (3), 1-14, 2013
Privacy-preserving smart grid tariff decisions with blockchain-based smart contracts
F Knirsch, A Unterweger, G Eibl, D Engel
Sustainable cloud and energy services: principles and practices. Springer …, 2017
Transparent encryption for HEVC Using bit-stream-based selective coefficient sign encryption
H Hofbauer, A Uhl, A Unterweger
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Lessons Learned from Implementing a Privacy-Preserving Smart Contract in Ethereum
A Unterweger, F Knirsch, C Leixnering, D Engel
2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and …, 2018
Length-preserving Bit-stream-based JPEG Encryption
A Unterweger, A Uhl
MM&Sec'12: Proceedings of the 14th ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, 85-90, 2012
Decentralized and permission-less green energy certificates with GECKO
F Knirsch, C Brunner, A Unterweger, D Engel
Energy Informatics 3, 1-17, 2020
A Comparison of Blockchain-based PKI Implementations.
C Brunner, F Knirsch, A Unterweger, D Engel
ICISSP, 333-340, 2020
The effect of data granularity on load data compression
A Unterweger, D Engel, M Ringwelski
Energy Informatics: 4th DA-CH Conference, EI 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany …, 2015
Building a post-compression region-of-interest encryption framework for existing video surveillance systems: Challenges, obstacles and practical concerns
A Unterweger, KV Ryckegem, D Engel, A Uhl
Multimedia Systems 22, 617-639, 2016
An analysis of privacy preservation in electric vehicle charging
A Unterweger, F Knirsch, D Engel, D Musikhina, A Alyousef, H de Meer
Energy Informatics 5 (1), 1-27, 2022
Understanding game-based privacy proofs for energy consumption aggregation protocols
A Unterweger, S Taheri-Boshrooyeh, G Eibl, F Knirsch, A Küpçü, D Engel
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (5), 5514-5523, 2018
Compression artifacts in modern video coding and state-of-the-art means of compensation
A Unterweger
Multimedia Networking and Coding, 28-49, 2012
The influence of bitrate allocation to scalability layers on video quality in H.264 SVC
A Unterweger, H Thoma
Proceedings of the 26th Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2007), 2007
Comparison of the Paillier and ElGamal Cryptosystems for Smart Grid Aggregation Protocols.
F Knirsch, A Unterweger, M Unterrainer, D Engel
ICISSP, 232-239, 2020
Lossless compression of high-frequency voltage and current data in smart grids
A Unterweger, D Engel
2016 IEEE international conference on big data (Big Data), 3131-3139, 2016
Design, implementation, and evaluation of secure communication for line current differential protection systems over packet switched networks
A Aichhorn, B Etzlinger, A Unterweger, R Mayrhofer, A Springer
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 23, 68-78, 2018
Slice groups for post-compression region of interest encryption in H.264/AVC and its scalable extension
A Unterweger, A Uhl
Signal Processing: Image Communication 29 (10), 1158-1170, 2014
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