Aleksandar Stanić
Aleksandar Stanić
Google DeepMind
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Mindstorms in natural language-based societies of mind
M Zhuge, H Liu, F Faccio, DR Ashley, R Csordás, A Gopalakrishnan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.17066, 2023
R-SQAIR: relational sequential attend, infer, repeat
A Stanić, J Schmidhuber
NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Perception as Generative Reasoning: Structure …, 2019
Discrete deep feature extraction: A theory and new architectures
T Wiatowski, M Tschannen, A Stanic, P Grohs, H Bölcskei
International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2016, 2149-2158, 2016
Hierarchical Relational Inference
A Stanić, S van Steenkiste, J Schmidhuber
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2021, 2020
Learning to generalize with object-centric agents in the open world survival game crafter
A Stanić, Y Tang, D Ha, J Schmidhuber
IEEE Transactions on Games, 2023
Towards Truly Zero-shot Compositional Visual Reasoning with LLMs as Programmers
A Stanić, S Caelles, M Tschannen
TMLR 2024, 2024
Contrastive Training of Complex-Valued Autoencoders for Object Discovery
A Stanić, A Gopalakrishnan, K Irie, J Schmidhuber
Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2023, 2023
Spatial Dependency Networks: Neural Layers for Improved Generative Image Modeling
Đ Miladinović, A Stanić, S Bauer, J Schmidhuber, JM Buhmann
International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2021, 2021
The Languini Kitchen: Enabling Language Modelling Research at Different Scales of Compute
A Stanić, D Ashley, O Serikov, L Kirsch, F Faccio, J Schmidhuber, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.11197, 2023
An Investigation into the Open World Survival Game Crafter
A Stanić, Y Tang, D Ha, J Schmidhuber
Decision Awareness in Reinforcement Learning Workshop at ICML 2022, 2022
Recurrent Complex-Weighted Autoencoders for Unsupervised Object Discovery
A Gopalakrishnan, A Stanić, J Schmidhuber, MC Mozer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.17283, 2024
Compositional visual reasoning and generalization with neural networks
A Stanić
Hierarchical relational inference
A Stanic, S Van Steenkiste, J Schmidhuber
ICML 2020 Workshop on Object-Oriented Learning (OOL): Perception …, 2020
Supplement: Discrete Deep Feature Extraction: A Theory and New Architectures
T Wiatowski, EE ETHZ, M Tschannen, A Stanic, E CH, P Grohs, ...
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