Keith Kuester
Keith Kuester
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Fiscal volatility shocks and economic activity
J Fernández-Villaverde, P Guerrón-Quintana, K Kuester, J Rubio-Ramírez
American Economic Review 105 (11), 3352-3384, 2015
Value-at-risk prediction: A comparison of alternative strategies
K Kuester, S Mittnik, MS Paolella
Journal of Financial Econometrics 4 (1), 53-89, 2006
Sovereign risk, fiscal policy, and macroeconomic stability
G Corsetti, K Kuester, A Meier, GJ Müller
The Economic Journal 123 (566), F99-F132, 2013
Doves for the rich, hawks for the poor? Distributional consequences of monetary policy
N Gornemann, K Kuester, M Nakajima
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP11233, 2016
The role of labor markets for euro area monetary policy
K Christoffel, K Kuester, T Linzert
European Economic Review 53 (8), 908-936, 2009
Debt consolidation and fiscal stabilization of deep recessions
G Corsetti, K Kuester, A Meier, GJ Müller
American Economic Review 100 (2), 41-45, 2010
News and uncertainty about COVID-19: Survey evidence and short-run economic impact
AM Dietrich, K Kuester, GJ Müller, R Schoenle
Journal of monetary economics 129, S35-S51, 2022
Sovereign risk and belief-driven fluctuations in the euro area
G Corsetti, K Kuester, A Meier, GJ Müller
Journal of Monetary Economics 61, 53-73, 2014
Optimal labor-market policy in recessions
P Jung, K Kuester
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 7 (2), 124-156, 2015
Monetary policy with heterogeneous agents
N Gornemann, K Kuester, M Nakajima
FRB of Philadelphia Working Paper, 2012
Resuscitating the wage channel in models with unemployment fluctuations
K Christoffel, K Kuester
Journal of Monetary Economics 55 (5), 865-887, 2008
Floats, pegs and the transmission of fiscal policy
G Corsetti, K Kuester, GJ Müller
FRB of Philadelphia Working Paper, 2011
Identifying the role of labor markets for monetary policy in an estimated DSGE model
KP Christoffel, K Kuester, T Linzert
Bundesbank Series 1 Discussion Paper, 2006
The (un) importance of unemployment fluctuations for the welfare cost of business cycles
P Jung, K Kuester
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35 (10), 1744-1768, 2011
Optimal monetary policy rules for the euro area: An analysis using the area wide model
A Dieppe, K Kuester, P McAdam
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 43 (3), 507-537, 2005
Consumers and COVID-19: A real-time survey
ES Knotek II, RS Schoenle, AM Dietrich, K Kuester, GJ Müller, ...
Economic Commentary, 2020
The exchange rate insulation puzzle
G Corsetti, K Keuster, GJ Müller, S Schmidt
ECB Working Paper, 2021
Inflation dynamics with labour market matching: assessing alternative specifications
K Christoffel, J Costain, G De Walque, K Kuester, T Linzert, S Millard, ...
NBB Working Paper, 2009
Doves for the rich, hawks for the poor? distributional consequences of systematic monetary policy
N Gornemann, K Kuester, M Nakajima
ECONtribute Discussion Paper, 2021
Fixed on flexible: Rethinking exchange rate regimes after the great recession
G Corsetti, K Kuester, GJ Müller
IMF Economic Review 65, 586-632, 2017
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