Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kenji Reichling
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kenji Reichling
Professor for Construction Materials, Kiel University of Applied Sciences
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Chlorine detection in cement with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in the infrared and ultraviolet spectral range
CD Gehlen, E Wiens, R Noll, G Wilsch, K Reichling
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 64 (10), 1135-1140, 2009
Full surface inspection methods regarding reinforcement corrosion of concrete structures
K Reichling, M Raupach, J Broomfield, J Gulikers, V L'Hostis, S Kessler, ...
Materials and Corrosion 64 (2), 116-127, 2013
Determination of the distribution of electrical resistivity in reinforced concrete structures using electrical resistivity tomography
K Reichling, M Raupach, N Klitzsch
Materials and Corrosion 66 (8), 763-771, 2015
Condition survey with embedded sensors regarding reinforcement corrosion
M Raupach, J Gulikers, K Reichling
Materials and corrosion 64 (2), 141-146, 2013
BETOSCAN–Robot controlled non-destructive diagnosis of reinforced concrete decks
K Reichling, M Raupach, H Wiggenhauser, M Stoppel, G Dobmann, ...
Proceedings of the NDTCE 9, 2009
Bestimmung und Bewertung des elektrischen Widerstands von Beton mit geophysikalischen Verfahren
K Reichling, DAfStb
Beuth, 2015
Inspection strategies for reinforcement corrosion surveys
M Raupach, K Reichling, J Broomfield, J Gulikers, U Schneck, M Serdar, ...
Materials and corrosion 64 (2), 111-115, 2013
Local detailed inspection methods regarding reinforcement corrosion of concrete structures
K Reichling, M Raupach, J Broomfield, J Gulikers, PV Nygaard, ...
Materials and Corrosion 64 (2), 128-134, 2013
Economic effects of full corrosion surveys for aging concrete structures
RB Polder, WHA Peelen, M Raupach, K Reichling
Materials and corrosion 64 (2), 105-110, 2013
Method to determine electrochemical potential gradients without reinforcement connection in concrete structures
K Reichling, M Raupach
Cement and Concrete Composites 47, 3-8, 2014
Was verrät uns der elektrische Widerstand über den Beton?
K Reichling, O Weichold, M Raupach
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments 18 (5), 265-274, 2012
Measurement and visualisation of the actual concrete resistivity in consideration of conductive layers and reinforcement bars
K Reichling, M Raupach
Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting III, 280-281, 2012
BETOSCAN–An instrumented mobile robot system for the diagnosis of reinforced concrete floors
M Raupach, K Reichling, H Wiggenhauser, M Stoppel, G Dobmann, ...
Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting II, 273-274, 2008
Zustandsermittlung und Schadensdiagnose für Parkhäuser mit automatisierten zerstörungsfreien Prüfverfahren
M Stoppel, A Taffe, K Reichling, J Kurz
Beton‐und Stahlbetonbau 104 (10), 690-694, 2009
BETOSCAN—An instrumented mobile robot system for the diagnosis of reinforced concrete floors
K Reichling, M Raupach, H Wiggenhauser, M Stoppel, G Dobmann, ...
Restor. Build. Monuments Int. J 15 (4), 277-286, 2009
Method and apparatus for monitoring an underground object
M Raupach, K Reichling, C Helm
US Patent 10,060,870, 2018
New innovative methods to assess the durability of reinforced concrete structures
K Reichling, M Raupach
Bautechnik 90 (11), 715-720, 2013
Electrical impedance tomography in concrete
A Asgharzadeh, K Reichling, M Raupach
International symposium non-destructive testing in civil engineering (NDT-CE …, 2015
Electrochemical half-cell potential measurements for the detection of reinforcement corrosion
A Burkert, G Ebell, T Eichler, K Hariri, J Harnisch, S Keßler, T Mayer, ...
DGZfP, 2014
Neue innovative Diagnoseverfahren zur Dauerhaftigkeitsbewertung von Stahlbetonbauteilen
K Reichling, M Raupach
Bautechnik 90 (11), 715-720, 2013
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