Stephan Schmidt
Stephan Schmidt
Department Fluid Mechanics Helmut-Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany
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Experimental investigation and large-eddy simulation of the turbulent flow past a smooth and rigid hemisphere
JN Wood, G De Nayer, S Schmidt, M Breuer
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 97, 79-119, 2016
Source term based synthetic turbulence inflow generator for eddy-resolving predictions of an airfoil flow including a laminar separation bubble
S Schmidt, M Breuer
Computers & Fluids 146, 1-22, 2017
Hybrid LES–URANS methodology for the prediction of non-equilibrium wall-bounded internal and external flows
S Schmidt, M Breuer
Computers & Fluids 96, 226-252, 2014
Extended synthetic turbulence inflow generator within a hybrid LES–URANS methodology for the prediction of non–equilibrium wall–bounded flows
S Schmidt, M Breuer
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 95, 669-707, 2015
Refinement of a hybrid LES− URANS approach for non-equilibrium turbulent flows
M Breuer, S Schmidt
THMT-12. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence …, 2012
Entwicklung einer hybriden LES-URANS-Methode für die Simulation interner und externer turbulenter Strömungen
S Schmidt
Universitätsbibliothek der HSU/UniBw H, 2016
Application and extension of a synthetic turbulence inflow generator within a hybrid LES–URANS methodology
S Schmidt, M Breuer
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation X, 63-69, 2018
Hybrid LES–URANS methodology for wall–bounded flows
S Schmidt, M Breuer
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation IX, 197-203, 2015
Hybrid LES‐RANS Modeling of Complex Turbulent Flows
M Breuer, S Schmidt
PAMM 14 (1), 647-650, 2014
Test case on QNET ERCOFTAC database (Underlying Flow Regime 3-33): Turbulent flow past a wall-mounted hemisphere.
JN Wood, G de Nayer, S Schmidt, M Breuer
Hybrid LES–URANS methodology for wall–bounded flows with synthetic turbulent inflow conditions
S Schmidt, M Breuer
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics X: Contributions …, 2016
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