Janina Steinmetz
Janina Steinmetz
Bayes Business School City University of London
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Impression mismanagement: People as inept self-presenters
J Steinmetz, O Sezer, C Sedikides
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 11:e12321, 2017
Breaking the ice: How physical warmth shapes social comparison consequences
J Steinmetz, T Mussweiler
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (5), 1025-1028, 2011
Beyond social facilitation: A review of the far-reaching effects of social attention.
J Steinmetz, S Pfattheicher
Social Cognition 35, 584-598, 2017
Social role effects on gender stereotyping in G ermany and J apan
J Steinmetz, J Bosak, S Sczesny, AH Eagly
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 17 (1), 52-60, 2014
Physical temperature affects response behavior
J Steinmetz, AC Posten
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 70, 294-300, 2017
Being Observed Magnifies Action
J Steinmetz, Q Xu, A Fishbach, Y Zhang
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 111, 852-865, 2016
Motivation in a Social Context: Coordinating Personal and Shared Goal Pursuits With Others
A Fishbach, J Steinmetz, Y Tu
Advances in Motivation Science 3, 35-79, 2016
Mental simulation of visceral states affects preferences and behavior
J Steinmetz, BM Tausen, JL Risen
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (3), 406-417, 2018
Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs
C Huber, A Dreber, J Huber, M Johannesson, M Kirchler, U Weitzel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (23), e2215572120, 2023
The first-member heuristic: Group members labeled “first” influence judgment and treatment of groups.
J Steinmetz, M Touré-Tillery, A Fishbach
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 118 (4), 706, 2020
Impression (mis) management when communicating success
J Steinmetz
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 40 (5), 320-328, 2018
Only one small sin: How self‐construal affects self‐control
J Steinmetz, T Mussweiler
British Journal of Social Psychology 56 (4), 675-688, 2017
Feeling judged? How the presence of outgroup members promotes healthier food choices
M Touré‐Tillery, J Steinmetz, B DiCosola
Psychology & Marketing 39 (8), 1504-1510, 2022
Who's a yea‐sayer? Habitual trust and affirmative response behaviour
AC Posten, J Steinmetz
European Journal of Social Psychology 52 (3), 584-596, 2022
Motivated level of construal: How temperature affects the construal level of state-relevant stimuli
J Hansen, J Steinmetz
Motivation and Emotion 43, 434-446, 2019
Temperatur und Zustimmung-ein bisher unbekannter Zusammenhang: Einblicke für Praxis und Forschung
AC Posten, J Steinmetz
Praxis der Rechtspsychologie. 28 (2), 137-152, 2018
Gamification can help consumers reach their saving goals
N Hashim, I Scopelliti, J Steinmetz
Think Forward Initiative, 2021
Akquieszenz in Umfragen: eine wenig beachtete Fehlerquelle
J Steinmetz, AC Posten
Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 2020
Guidelines on Acquiescence in Marketing Research
J Steinmetz, AC Posten
Advances in Consumer Research 48, 712-714, 2020
We work harder when we know someone's watching
J Steinmetz, A Fishbach
Harvard Business Review, 2020
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