Timo M. Kauppinen
Timo M. Kauppinen
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
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Does neighborhood income mix affect earnings of adults? New evidence from Sweden
G Galster, R Andersson, S Musterd, TM Kauppinen
Journal of urban economics 63 (3), 858-870, 2008
Are immigrants' earnings influenced by the characteristics of their neighbours?
S Musterd, R Andersson, G Galster, TM Kauppinen
Environment and Planning A 40 (4), 785-805, 2008
Effects of the characteristics of neighbourhoods and the characteristics of people on cause specific mortality: a register based follow up study of 252 000 men
P Martikainen, TM Kauppinen, T Valkonen
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 57 (3), 210-217, 2003
What Mix Matters? Exploring the relationships between individuals' incomes and different measures of their neighbourhood context
R Andersson, S Musterd, G Galster, TM Kauppinen
Housing Studies 22 (5), 637-660, 2007
Schools as mediators of neighbourhood effects on choice between vocational and academic tracks of secondary education in Helsinki
TM Kauppinen
European Sociological Review 24 (3), 379-391, 2008
Neighborhood effects in a European city: Secondary education of young people in Helsinki
TM Kauppinen
Social Science Research 36 (1), 421-444, 2007
Neighbourhood unemployment and all cause mortality: a comparison of six countries
FJ Van Lenthe, LN Borrell, G Costa, AVD Roux, TM Kauppinen, ...
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 59 (3), 231-237, 2005
Intergenerational accumulation of social disadvantages across generations in young adulthood
T Vauhkonen, J Kallio, TM Kauppinen, J Erola
Research in social stratification and mobility 48, 42-52, 2017
Spatial integration of immigrants in Nordic cities: The relevance of spatial assimilation theory in a welfare state context
T Wessel, R Andersson, T Kauppinen, HS Andersen
Urban Affairs Review 53 (5), 812-842, 2017
Social background and life-course risks as determinants of social assistance receipt among young adults in Sweden, Norway and Finland
TM Kauppinen, A Angelin, T Lorentzen, O Bäckman, T Salonen, P Moisio, ...
Journal of European Social Policy 24 (3), 273-288, 2014
Työttömyys ja huono-osaisuuden kasautuminen
T Kauppinen, P Saikku, RL Kokko
Teoksessa Vaarama, Marja, Moisio, Pasi & Karvonen, Sakari (toim …, 2010
Sosiaalinen kestävyys: asuminen, segregaatio ja tuloerot kolmella kaupunkiseudulla
P Saikkonen, K Hannikainen, T Kauppinen, J Rasinkangas, M Vaalavuo
THL, 2018
Immigration, housing and segregation in the Nordic welfare states
R Andersson, H Dhalmann, E Holmqvist, TM Kauppinen, LM Turner, ...
Dep. of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki, 2010
Cumulative socio-economic disadvantage and secondary education in Finland
JM Kallio, TM Kauppinen, J Erola
European Sociological Review 32 (5), 649-661, 2016
Pathways to adulthood: Sequences in the school-to-work transition in Finland, Norway and Sweden
T Lorentzen, O Bäckman, I Ilmakunnas, T Kauppinen
Social Indicators Research 141, 1285-1305, 2019
Unemployment and economic security for young adults in Finland, Norway and Sweden: From unemployment protection to poverty relief
T Lorentzen, A Angelin, E Dahl, T Kauppinen, P Moisio, T Salonen
International Journal of Social Welfare 23 (1), 41-51, 2014
School outcomes and neighbourhood effects: A new approach using data from Finland
V Bernelius, TM Kauppinen
Neighbourhood effects research: New perspectives, 225-247, 2011
The beginning of immigrant settlement in the Helsinki metropolitan area and the role of social housing
TM Kauppinen
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 17, 173-197, 2002
Yksin asuvien hyvinvointi-Mitä tällä hetkellä tiedetään?
TM Kauppinen, T Martelin, K Hannikainen-Ingman, E Virtala
THL, 2014
Determinants of immigrants' entry to homeownership in three Nordic capital city regions
TM Kauppinen, H Skifter Andersen, L Hedman
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 97 (4), 343-362, 2015
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